24 Nov 2015, 20:39
24 Jun 2015, 12:58

06 Aug 2015, 00:11

This is already covered by bracket orders if you include it, but basically, you've got Advanced Trade Management where you can set multiple targets.

How about setting multiple stops? And you can OCO link each stop with a target?
Alternatively, the stops can work independently with the targets, and when they hit, they hit. A final stop will act like the Take Profit order, where it closes out the residual quantity of the trade.


06 Aug 2015, 00:06

People/Traders: My thoughts are, the whole point of time frames, is to summarise information.

For example, if you have a 1 day chart, how much good can you get out of using a 2 day chart, as opposed to say a 5 day/1 week chart to summarise or get a big picture view? SCRAP the 2 days! H1 is useful, H2 not so much. H4 is useful for the H1. H8 not so much for the H4. H16 useful for the H4.

I can see how seconds and different ticks could help though (no idea why they chose ticks 13, 21, 34)


05 Aug 2015, 23:52

Seriously, everyone using up their votes here, would be better swapping their votes over to the other topic: "Alarms for levels of interest".

It is pretty much the same thing but has more votes and was created way earlier, so push it up people!


05 Aug 2015, 23:50

Also, it has to be very simple to use and easy to place, MT4's alerts are pretty slow to implement, and very fiddly to adjust, hard to click on etc.

Maybe like drawing a horizontal line, and modifying that, but it sends either alarm/alert/sound/msg/email/sms when the price hits.

Also a right click on chart, and set alarm at that price could also work.



25 Jun 2015, 11:45

So you're also forced to look for a replacement for DB360...I feel your pain... :)

Well how about adding your 3 votes to a current thread to push progress instead of starting your own...see "Price alerts" by anonymous, around 170 votes already...


24 Jun 2015, 13:06

Just realised Spotware's comment was on January 2014...guess it's not really happening?

Any updates on this?


24 Jun 2015, 13:03

Glad to hear OCOs will be implemented in the future, sooner the better!

Just started a new topic, more general but following on from this.
Topic is called "More order types!", as OCO is just one of many orders currently unavailable in cTrader. Other basic but useful orders include Trailing stops, Parent-child etc.

Please vote if you agree!
