09 Jan 2023, 10:06
06 Sep 2016, 10:54
06 Feb 2016, 20:00

21 Jan 2024, 19:20 ( Updated at: 22 Jan 2024, 06:38 )


ctid402288 said: 

PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

I don't know how it works in Python, but in .Net you need to loop through the list and add the symbols one by one.

Aieden Technologies

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That was precisely what l had to do to move forward in the end. Thank you for your response.

Hi, please can you share what you did. I get ProtoAOSymbol object is not iterable error when l try to loop through the message data. Thanks.


08 Feb 2023, 15:10


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

I don't know how it works in Python, but in .Net you need to loop through the list and add the symbols one by one.

Aieden Technologies

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That was precisely what l had to do to move forward in the end. Thank you for your response.


25 Jan 2023, 14:37 ( Updated at: 25 Jan 2023, 15:45 )

Check this thread below



The Klein sample does not work properly, use the console sample and adapt it to your code. You also need a broker to authorize your CTrader account to access the OpenAPI platform. If you are in the UK, you would have your work cut out finding such a broker. Having a CTrader account for desktop or Mobile Apps do not automatically grant you access to the OpenAPI service l have found. Contact your broker to negotiate access.


25 Jan 2023, 14:06 ( Updated at: 07 Feb 2023, 11:50 )


The solution was to define the redirect urls correctly. Your redirect should be set to http://localhost:5035/redirect for example. Or https://{your domain url}:[your preferred port}/redirect. Also bear in mind that the OpenAPI Client requires two loops of authentication to get going. You application have to authenticate via Oauth, thereafter, the application also need to authenticate the Account you wish to use for trading. The OAuth authentication requires you to log into the OpenAPI platform and authorize your application to access the platform. This act issues an Authcode to your application which it uses to obtain an Access Token to complete the authentication. From here on, the fun begins.


Thank you for your help PanagiotisChar.





19 Jan 2023, 19:37 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

The samples definitely work, probably you are doing something wrong in the process. Try asking in the samples GitHub repository too, maybe you will get some help by Python users.

Aieden Technologies

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I have retried the Klein sample and it does not work. The basic example on the Python SDK page connects successfuly with my credentials. But it does not carry out a OAuth authentication that

should provide an Authcode. The Console sample successfully conducted a basic OAuth authentication but failed due to redirect URL.

The default redirect URL for the application is as shown below. The authentication process only works when l use the "" redirect URL which fails to provide an Authcode. I have added the second redirect URL which unfortunately produces the error in the image above. Any other permutation of the redirect URL produces the errors that l previously mentioned in my previous posts. I am guessing that this is the case because l do not have a live account yet.



17 Jan 2023, 12:49 ( Updated at: 17 Jan 2023, 12:50 )


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

I am not familiar with Python, sorry :(

Aieden Technologies

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Has anyone ever connected to the CTrader Open Api successfully using Python or the samples offered on the Applications website, l wonder? I am hopeful that those samples has been tested and are fit for purpose. My expectation is that they should be able to establish a connection to the OpenApi platform. 


16 Jan 2023, 18:32 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

This is a different message than the one you posted above. At which point do you get this? Maybe you can record a video or share some screenshots.

You are definitely doing something wrong, if there was a problem on the servers, there would have been hundreds of complaints.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi there,

I am using the python example based on Klein and Twister to verify the connection. The information provided is from the initial stages of the code as shown below:-

I have adapted this code to test the authentication and the result is what l posted previously. My code is based on the same principle but using flask and connextion. The result is the same. It is probable that the server version has moved on and the sample code is no longer valid. If that is the case, please can you advice me on what has changed?





16 Jan 2023, 18:32


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

This is a different message than the one you posted above. At which point do you get this? Maybe you can record a video or share some screenshots.

You are definitely doing something wrong, if there was a problem on the servers, there would have been hundreds of complaints.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi there,




16 Jan 2023, 18:32


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

This is a different message than the one you posted above. At which point do you get this? Maybe you can record a video or share some screenshots.

You are definitely doing something wrong, if there was a problem on the servers, there would have been hundreds of complaints.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi there,




16 Jan 2023, 18:32


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

This is a different message than the one you posted above. At which point do you get this? Maybe you can record a video or share some screenshots.

You are definitely doing something wrong, if there was a problem on the servers, there would have been hundreds of complaints.

Aieden Technologies

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Hi there,




14 Jan 2023, 23:02 ( Updated at: 14 Jan 2023, 23:14 )


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

The client ID you are using does not seem correct to me

Aieden Technologies

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This is the full URI:-


authcode: {'errorCode': 'ACCESS_DENIED', 'description': 'Access denied. Make sure the credentials are valid.'}


The account is active and the credentials is valid, l checked before putting up this post. There appears to be something wrong at the server end.


09 Jan 2023, 15:58 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


ctid402288 said:

AuthURI is

I already tried that and got the following Auth error:- {'errorCode': 'ACCESS_DENIED', 'description': 'Access denied. Make sure the credentials are valid.'} The AUTHURI is as follows

I have ran the code with a manually generated set of tokens from the Applications site but Twisted is unable to establish a connection due to the credential issue. l get the following error mesage:

twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on [Errno 49] Can't assign requested address.

And it perpetually tries to reconnect

2023-01-09 14:05:31+0000 [-] Scheduling retry 2 to connect <twisted.internet.endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint object at 0x16f804070> in 2.7144583928643655 seconds.

The issue might be with the credential which incidentally has a status of ACTIVE.


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

The client ID is taken from your Open API application

Can you provide us with the exact uri you are using for your request?

Aieden Technologies

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09 Jan 2023, 15:55

The fix for this is to install OpenSSL

pip3 install pyOpenSSL


09 Jan 2023, 10:48 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

The client ID is taken from your Open API application

Can you provide us with the exact uri you are using for your request?

Aieden Technologies

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09 Jan 2023, 10:48 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there, 

The client ID is taken from your Open API application

Can you provide us with the exact uri you are using for your request?

Aieden Technologies

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31 Jul 2022, 20:43 ( Updated at: 31 Jul 2022, 20:53 )

I have to agree with JeanPaul on this topic. JeanPaul has not listed a comprehensive list of all the issues with the openapi. A sample should compile and reflect the actual working of the API. More importantly, the documentation should reflect the functions [or methods] used in the sample. All aspect of the sample should be transferable to other SDKs in the CTrader OpenAPI suite. 

Take this line of code for example : -[WPF Sample] Pips = Symbol.Data.GetPipsFromPrice(Symbol.Bid - Price); This refers to the following "public ProtoOASymbol Data { get; init; }" in the SymbolModel class. The documentation for ProtoOASymbol does not show any functions associated with it. One can therefore assume that all classes in the documentation have some undocumented methods inherently in them. Admittedly, l am writing in Python and the OpenAPIPy documentation do not have the aforementioned information.  As using this OpenAPI involves risking money, it is problematic for one to be losing money due to poor understanding of the OpenAPI. You should make an effort to improve the documentation and samples to better support developers and prevent unnecessary loss of money that may result from the documentation as it stands at the moment.
