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11 Mar 2016, 23:23

I must add, I have minimized to the extent of out of "box" defaults via different workspaces, But as far as other configurations, the vast majority ( BECAUSE IT's SOFT!!!! ware, as in, ALL configurations!) are not exposed to typical user control. It takes a lot of thoughtfulness and repetitive work to design and code a streamlined graphical interface for and put the right switches in the right places in the process flow of the code, sure, but seems to me that it is often already a part of the debugging in development ANYWAYS, no? I'd be excited about a huge complex list, if the crowd can help describe and clarify and gradually structure it into highly polished and tested control panel of switches and specifications!


11 Mar 2016, 23:14

perhaps it may be relevant: I recall steve gibson talking about a memory issue with gmail having to do with UNICODE translation. Generally, and probably applicable to consolidating many votable ideas here: I have repeatedly suggested in feedback the solution I prefer to handle both good intricacy and worthwhile complexity to be focused to desired levels, as well as sweet simplicity and minimalism: the solution is extensive switches and specifications FOR ALL FEATURES! (like the enormous list of configurations for firefox browser (was?)). This enables user to filter for optimal performance and minimal bloat, especially with a hierarchal structured configuration,with top level being strict order execution with visibility, and zero things to impede it! ( like idea to even have calgo) Then one can add complexities and feature to heart's content according to pragmatics. I can already do this via simple workspaces and complex workspaces, and via different instances or machines.

why high volitility impedes local software perfomance does not completely make sense to me: higher than normal frequency and volume of disseminated quotes and thus calculations? okay. busy serverside bottlenecking? okay. But dead halt on local operation, visibility, controls? as in, black screen, irresponsive, instead of maybe a server busy message or, something?
