09 Mar 2017, 22:53

17 Sep 2016, 08:44

i am setting aggregated for positions and more i want have one level t/p or s/l for all positions, if i have 5 positions, i am not need make tp/sl for any position but i can make one tp and sl for all positions.
Is very usability for web platform which not have indicators and robots


17 Sep 2016, 08:37

add the total take-profit and stop loss for all positions


17 Sep 2016, 08:32

very good idea for web platform

add the total take-profit and stop loss for a position


17 Sep 2016, 08:30

very good for web platform ctrader
add the total take-profit and stop loss for a position


17 Sep 2016, 08:29

very suprted this idea, web for latform very good

add the total take-profit and stop loss for a position
