
Username: moj1367
Member since: 23 Dec 2013
Last login: 23 Dec 2013
Status: Active


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moj1367 · 10 years ago

hi and I hope U be fine 

I'm ready to do this job even with more parameters

because I'm completely dominant  on account copiers 

at now I've an account copier that U can run on unlimited master accounts and  unlimited slave accounts and run them simultaneously 

there is an option in master EA that shows Identity of that master account and U specify in slave setting that this slave follow of which master ( a number as an identity ) 

a master account can give its trades to unlimited slave accounts  

furthemore I did 3 account copier jobs

every job had its own complexity 

 this is 1 one year good experience of account copier  

skype Id: alizadeh1988
