
03 Jan 2025, 00:24

You need to ask in the “Suggestions” forum as Spotware doesn't come here looking to read what people would like. This is a technical support forum.


02 Jan 2025, 01:23 ( Updated at: 02 Jan 2025, 07:07 )

It's an issue, and a similar one was already raised in the forums.

You can read their response here:


In a nutshell, they weren't going to look into it.


02 Jan 2025, 01:20

Item #2) you already have the selective visibility - just click the eyeball next to the indicator name on the chart. If the indicator names aren't visible on the chart, you can make them so by enabling “indicator tiles” under “visibility options” when right clicking on a chart:


Item #4) it's already there and has been for a while:


01 Jan 2025, 01:49

RE: RE: RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back

davidrob said: 

The procedure seems to be working. Interesting comments, thanks. I  know what you mean about keeping SL,TP, and even pending orders out of the market's eye. Your comment raises some interesting thoughts and prompts me to ask these questions:

Do you mean the cTrader cloud or any cloud such as a VPS? Can you not email notify from either? 

A VPS isn't the same. Most VPS's actually have access to a full server, the desktop, drives for saving data, everything. It's called a virtual private server for a reason - you have all functionalities as if it's your own server :-)


When you adjust a cTrader (Desktop) SL line as you mention above, this creates a SL value in the trade. Is this not registered on the market as an order?  Meaning either cTrader or the broker administers it?   I was never very comfortable about brokers seeing my SL levels either.

I didn't say cTrader Desktop SL line – I said “my own stoploss line”. So no, it's not registered on the cTrader servers - it's registered on my VPS. It's obviously dependent on my VPS having connectivity to the markets and since most are guaranteed to be up over 99% of the time, it's not too big a worry. I can drag/drop it like any line and it will be treated/executed as a SL line.  

As a safety net, just in case my VPS does lose connectivity, I put in another cTrader registered SL that's a random 300-500 pips further away (so nobody in the markets can figure out the logic between the orders).




31 Dec 2024, 04:28

RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back

davidrob said: 

firemyst said: 

Where do I turn syncing off/on?

In the “Algo” section on the left menu. It'll be listed “Synchronisation enabled/disabled” under all the bots

Settings - Algo - Sync…       got it…

Is the procedure I mention above the correct procedure? I must have deleted those darned bots in several places several times….

Thanks your help.


I don't know if that's the correct procedure or not, because I don't do any syncing. For me it's kind of pointless to run bots in the cloud since I like having email notifications, have my own “stop loss” line that I drag and drop (so the markets can't see my actual stop loss placements), etc etc.






31 Dec 2024, 00:35

Where do I turn syncing off/on?

In the “Algo” section on the left menu. It'll be listed “Synchronisation enabled/disabled” under all the bots


30 Dec 2024, 13:27

RE: RE: Need help with Moving Averages and Fibonacci

Vicktor said: 

firemyst said: 

You have to make them as a C# Enum, and use the Enum in the parameter if you only want those specific values chosen.

Of course, you could always set the step in the parameter to something else like “5” instead of “1” as well. It won't land on the specific fib numbers, but it's less clicking to get there.

I did the following but I am missing something because it is not working, can you please help?

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.EEuropeStandardTime, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class Enum_Test : Robot
        public enum FastValues
        [Parameter("Fast Values")]
        public FastValues P1 { get; set; }
        public enum SlowValues
        [Parameter("MA Slow Values")]
        public SlowValues P2 { get; set; }
        // MA FAST
        [Parameter("Fast Source", Group = "Fast")]
        public DataSeries MAfast { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Fast Type", Group = "Fast")]
        public MovingAverageType MAfasttype { get; set; }
        private MovingAverage MA_fast;

        // MA SLOW
        [Parameter("Slow Source", Group = "Slow")]
        public DataSeries MAslow { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Slow Type", Group = "Slow")]
        public MovingAverageType MAslowtype { get; set; }
        private MovingAverage MA_slow;

        protected override void OnStart()
            MA_fast = Indicators.MovingAverage(MAfast, FastValues, MAfasttype);
            MA_slow = Indicators.MovingAverage(MAslow, SlowValues, MAslowtype);

        protected override void OnTick()
            bool MA_fast_rise = Functions.IsRising(MA_fast.Result);
            bool MA_fast_fall = Functions.IsFalling(MA_fast.Result);
            bool MA_slow_rise = Functions.IsRising(MA_slow.Result);
            bool MA_slow_fall = Functions.IsFalling(MA_slow.Result);



Your parameters to create the moving averages are incorrect. The second value needs to be an integer representing the length/period; you're passing it an enum type, but not the actual parameter value which is “P1” or “P2”. 

Second, you need to convert it to an integer because P1 and P2 are enum types, not integers. 

public enum FastValues
    _1 = 1,
    _2 = 2,
    _3 = 3,

 [Parameter("Fast Values", DefaultValue = FastValues._2)]
        public FastValues P1 { get; set; }
MA_fast = Indicators.MovingAverage(MAfast, (int)P1, MAfasttype);



28 Dec 2024, 03:17 ( Updated at: 30 Dec 2024, 07:15 )

REsponded to in this thread:



28 Dec 2024, 03:16

How do you know it's not an issue with your code that the SL and TP aren't being set?

Why don't you post a sample of the code that reproduces the issue so people can have a look?


28 Dec 2024, 03:14

You have to make them as a C# Enum, and use the Enum in the parameter if you only want those specific values chosen.

Of course, you could always set the step in the parameter to something else like “5” instead of “1” as well. It won't land on the specific fib numbers, but it's less clicking to get there.


28 Dec 2024, 03:10

When are we going to see release notes for version 5.1.xx?

It's been over a week since its release.


27 Dec 2024, 00:17 ( Updated at: 27 Dec 2024, 07:34 )

If you want the best results for each month or day, you'll probably have to run the optimization for each individual month or day when selecting the date range. 


25 Dec 2024, 08:15 ( Updated at: 27 Dec 2024, 07:34 )

Don't hold your breath waiting. They did it as dots because of the limitations of their system. 

While Spotware may implement a SuperTrend as a line with one color, unless they use the dots, they can't do up/down colors easily. I suspect they chose to do dots instead of a one color line since the ST usually has an “up” and “down” color. 

I agree with you that dots are pointless, which is why I wrote my own ST to have colored lines. 


25 Dec 2024, 08:05 ( Updated at: 27 Dec 2024, 07:34 )

This has been requested numerous times over the years, and would be extremely helpful ! No idea why Spotware hasn't implemented this yet, or at least gives the users the option to display pips instead of dollars.



25 Dec 2024, 08:02 ( Updated at: 27 Dec 2024, 07:34 )

Write your own indicator to do this.

All you have to do is print to the chart the property Symbol.Spread

Or download one that's already made:



23 Dec 2024, 23:44

Looks like this has been fixed in version 5.1.11


Thank you


23 Dec 2024, 23:43

Looks like this has been fixed now in version 5.1.11


Thank you


23 Dec 2024, 23:41

Visual Studio Code supports intelisense for .Net on Mac apparently. 

Just google “visual studio for mac” for download links.

I would suggest using that. Spotware isn't going to open up their API's.




23 Dec 2024, 23:35

Hopefully it's resolved now if you're using the latest version 5.1.x ?


23 Dec 2024, 01:22

For those of us who don't use Mac, can you post a screen capture showing an example of the differences?
