
30 Sep 2019, 10:17


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

Send it at We will need to check and let you know.

Best Regards,



I have sent the file to the email adress now. 

This weekend I was able to switch between my workspaces without any issues, but now when the markets have opened again it's a big issue again, I literally cannot change between my workspaces which makes me unable to monitor my pairs. Really frustrating.

Thanks for helping out!

Kind regards,


26 Sep 2019, 16:03

I will check very soon. Where do I send this to you?

And I checked, I have 35-40 objects on each workspace. Can this be an issue you think? 3 charts per symbol per workspace with 15 objects on each charts.
(+ some indicators on my template)




26 Sep 2019, 13:13


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

Can you provide the exact steps you are following so that we can reproduce the problem? Also what is the bug you get when creating a custom watchlist?

Best Regards,



1) I sit and switch between my workspaces (I have about 8 different workspaces, one for each currencypair I am looking at)

2) Suddenly when I press to swtich to another worskapce, the symbols on the current one is the same but the workspace has changed. What has happened is that I have overwritten the workspace I wanted to change to, with the symbols on the prior one.

3) Another observation: switching workspaces has also become very laggy. Sometimes I must wait for 10-15-30 seconds before the new symbols appear on the workspace I have changed to. I therefor suspect that if I wait long enough, like several minutes, that the symbols for the correct workspace might occur. However, when I close the app and open it again the changes has been saved so that I have symbol A, which is supposed to be on template A, overwritten the symbol on template B, so that I have lost my work on symbol B.

Am I alone about having this problem?


The "create a watchlist" symbol is simply not an option in my app. It doesn't appear anywhere so I cannot create a new watchlist, edit one of my current watchlists or do anything like that. However this is not a big problem because of the drawings issue has made me to have one symbol per workspace.




23 Sep 2019, 18:06


ctid1551761 said:

This is simply bizzare and totally unexpected. It's counter intuitive and no charting package at all works like that.

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

By design objects that are drawn on a chart, they are kept if you change a symbol. Therefore if you need to have a clean chart for a new symbol, you need to open a new chart.

Best Regards,




This is how I feel about it too, but I think Panagiotis feels this is the best way. I really cannot understand it. I have asked about this before too but got the same answer. :) 


23 Sep 2019, 16:24


benpepperwhittaker said:

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

Are there any specific steps for us to reproduce this behavior or does this happen randomly?

Best Regards,


It happens randomly, unfortunately.

And it happens all the time now.

Another bug is that I cannot create a custom watchlist. 

I think there's some bugs just concerning me, with my antivirus or whatever, I've disabled it while installing cTrader but dunno why these things keep happening. Think I gotta go back to another platform. If it wasn't for these things ctrader would be great for me. But spent so many hours doing the same work over again now so dont know what to do about it.


23 Sep 2019, 16:16


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

By design objects that are drawn on a chart, they are kept if you change a symbol. Therefore if you need to have a clean chart for a new symbol, you need to open a new chart.

Best Regards,


Yes, so if I understand you corretly, you do not support multichart analasys on several symbols? I just don't see the logic personally. You have the tech to see multiple charts on the same symbol, and switch between symbols with all charts changing to the new symbol at the same time. But the drawings stay on, which ruins the whole point, as far as I can see.


23 Sep 2019, 15:45


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

Are there any specific steps for us to reproduce this behavior or does this happen randomly?

Best Regards,


It happens randomly, unfortunately.


23 Sep 2019, 15:43


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi ctid1551761,

Thanks for posting in our forum. This behavior is by design. If you need a clean chart for a new symbol, just open a new chart.

Best Regards,


What do you mean "just open a new chart"?

I have a workspace with 3 charts and want to be able to switch between symbols easily. This is not possible, so I must have one symbol per workspace and switch between workspaces. Is this the best way for me to do it?
(Now I posted another thread because there's a bug which makes this functonality too a mess for me.)




04 Sep 2019, 20:52

Thanks for the input!


29 Jul 2019, 13:14


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

Yes we did. The team will consider this suggestion for a future update.

Best Regards,


Great to hear! It would be extremely appreciated as it would make my days with cTrader much easier, as it's the one tool I use the most.

Thank you in advance if it ever gets done.



28 Jul 2019, 21:28


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

We already have a horizontal line. I am not sure what is the difference with what you propose.

Best Regards,



Did you notice my reply? Is it possible to get your opinion on whether this is possible to include in an update?




25 Jul 2019, 21:32 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

We already have a horizontal line. I am not sure what is the difference with what you propose.

Best Regards,


Exactly, as "sdhunter" says, it only goes into the future from the point I click which doesn't make the chart so much of a mess when there are several points I do this with.


Like this:



Not like this:


As you can see, the last one makes more of a mess. Now imagine having 10 of those lines on the chart, which only is supposed to show obvious highs or lows. It gets hard to seperate them from normal horisontal levels.


What do you think? Is this possible to manage? It would be extremely much appreciated from a loyal supporter of your platform, I absolutely love it. :) 

Kind regards, 
Ben Whittaker





23 Jul 2019, 09:46


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi benpepperwhittaker,

Currently this is not possible. We will provide a solution in a future update.

Best Regards,



It is possivble to work with different workspaces though, is it not? One workspace per currencypair?


22 Jul 2019, 19:27

I found this thread:

With your answer:
"Hi Glen,

Thanks I have seen the video. Your description was a bit confusing. The objects do not stay on the list for any chart and any symbol. The drawings stay on the list only when you change symbol on the same chart. The chart objects/indicators apply to the chart itself and not to a chart/symbol combination. If you need a clean chart and a separate set of chart objects/indicators, you can create a new chart.

Best Regards,


I want to have a template with three charts open and switch between the different currencypairs, and I want ALL drawings to be locked to the currencypair I draw them on ONLY. Am I doing something wrong? (I described in the original post what I do; I work in the same workspace with three charts and I switch between currencypairs by pressing the symbols.)

How do you recommend me to do what I want as smoothly as possible without drawings appearing on the "wrong" symbols?


Many thanks!


18 Jul 2019, 11:49

I am experiencing a similar problem, opened a thread last week or so. Did not get resolved unfortunately.


09 Jul 2019, 14:37


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Ben,

I am not sure what is the problem. By design, all chart objects stay on the same position on the chart even if you change symbol or timeframe. So if you draw a trendline on a symbol and timeframe, if you change to another symbol and then back, the trendline should be at the exact same location. Isn't this the case?

Best Regards,



Thanks for the reply.

When I switch form one symbol and back it is usually not a problem, but when I put my computer in "rest mode" and come back the day after, for example, the problem occurs. On the same symbol and same timeframe it looks like in the pictures attached above. Very weird and frustrating.


09 Jul 2019, 13:51


I see that you haven't answer this post while others have been answered. Does that mean that there is no solution to this?



07 Jul 2019, 22:56

Always when I install updates I have to manually go into the antivirus on the windows 10 and give the cTrader app a "free pass", because if not it is blocking functions. I don't know if this has something to do with it or what can be done about this.

Just saying it so you have all the info available to see what is going on.


07 Jul 2019, 22:45 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

Yea... All my charts are like this. All my work is just moved around on the chart, I have noe idea why or how... Here is another example. All my lines and stuff here were connected to the candlesticks on the chart. Now it is just a mess. 



06 Jul 2019, 00:09


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi benpepperwhittaker,

1) You can always hide the Active Symbol Panel by changing the layout modes

2) At the moment it is not possible. You can suggest this in the Suggestions section.

3) When you right click on a symbol, you should be able to see the relevant context menu. Favorites is not available anymore. You can create your own Watchlist instead.

Best Regards,



Regarding 3: as said nothing happens when I right click, I was able to do this before. I have sent in a support ticket with my broker so hopefully they can assist.
