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18 Feb 2019, 11:16

Ctrader 3.3 got me sick.

Please change the layout, be profession on it (Ctrader 3.3) its suck.please make an option to reversed to 3.0... i have a suggesstion, your team have to maximize the screen chart to make 
comfortable like MT4 platform.please
16 Feb 2019, 02:33

RE: Chart or Copy link PC1 to PC2 C trader

How can i Link or copy the my Chart in Ctrader Windows PC1 to Ctrader Windows PC2?
12 Dec 2018, 06:44


Spotware said:

Hi andi21,

Thanks for your questions.

1) Stop Loss and Take Profit are executed on the server no matter in which platform you set them, cAlgo or cTrader. It is Advanced Stop Loss and Advanced Take Profit that require cTrader to be running. See more info here

2) Regarding the trade side of stop loss, this is something that will be included in a future release of cAlgo.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team

can you address my problem sir please.