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01 Dec 2018, 11:38

Hi Ian,

I think you can find the closed positions also through History...

HistoricalTrade lastTrade = History[History.Count - 1];

Do not forget to handle the case when Count is 0. History has also Find methods to allow searching for specific one.
01 Dec 2018, 10:44 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

I really would like to know what is the logic behind the series data population. Did a small test. It made me think if I'm doing something unexpected.






As you can see, the last closed bar index is different for every symbol and so the ability to go back in history. 

Is there anyone from cAlgo/cTrader team to explain it?
01 Dec 2018, 10:35

Thanks Paul, but this is not what I'm looking for. I already have such data.