05 Dec 2013, 12:11
All indicators are taken from /algos/indicators
I did not modify the indicators
On which email to send ?
Enumerate a keepsake... apart from the standard and samples are indicators were still pivotpoints, envelope, smi, docs, dinapolistochastits, hull, karubberbands
04 Dec 2013, 16:54
After removing settings and cache сAlgo initial window appears and that's it ends, loads the CPU by 50%, but it gives work to other applications.
But after renaming Sources everything worked
Though I have had only one client calgo worked fine before
I uninstalled the rest
04 Dec 2013, 12:32
Spotware said:
Could you explain in details what does it mean "Everything hangs", what exactly do you see? Could you send us a screenshot of your screen at this moment and send it to
Also, try to send trouble-shouting information: when cAlgo is loaded pres Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T.
Another question: Are you able to run cTrader or it also hangs?
May be something is wrong with your settings or caches, you can find it in folder C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming and try to remove settings (we recommend to make a backup, not just remove).
"Everything hangs" - which means: the taskbar does not work, start button does not work, the right mouse button does not work, although it is possible to close the windows working software.
Will explain the steps that I did:
1 Was launched two clients cAlgo other brokers
2 Uploading cTrader from ThinkForex and install it, everything works fine
3 From cTrader Thinkforeks downloading and installing sAlgo
4 CAlgo displays the initial screen with account and password, click OK, and "Everything hangs"
5 Press Reset on the computer...
6 Uninstall cAlgo ThinkForex
7 Launch worked normally before cAlgo
8 "Everything hangs", restart the computer again, and launch Task Manager
9 Again, start working normally before cAlgo
10 Task Manager shows 100% CPU usage cAlgo
In the end, I took another computer and installed cAlgo in turn starting with cAlgo ThinkForex, and after the installation stopped.
Everything worked
Sorry for my English.
08 Nov 2013, 13:27
hichem said:
You can Serialize/Deserialize the parameters of your robot in a file.
anders said:
Somebody has a ready solution for the preset/save robot's settings to a file?
I made the save / restore settings to a file in the events onstop / onstart, everything is fine saving. But when set from file in event onstart, parameters set in new values, but not displayed in the panel robot. How to update the parameters of the robot in left panel from the code?
24 Jan 2014, 16:25