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29 Nov 2018, 04:19
RE: Text or Font Size
Spotware said:
Dear Trader,
You could write two objects and use the “\n” new line in the text to move the second Object down to a separate line so that it does not overlap the first. The following code snippet illustrates it:
ChartObjects.DrawText("text1", "TEXT", StaticPosition.TopRight, Colors.Yellow); ChartObjects.DrawText("text2", "\nTEXT", StaticPosition.TopRight, Colors.Yellow);We hope this helps you.
Similar MT4 code - Note: avaiability of font size parameter
bool ObjectSetText(
string object_name, // object name
string text, // description
int font_size=0, // font size
string font_name=NULL, // font name
color text_color=clrNONE // text color
There appears to be no way to incorporate text size into this code
ChartObjects.DrawText("text1", "TEXT", StaticPosition.TopRight, Colors.Yellow); ChartObjects.DrawText("text2", "\nTEXT", StaticPosition.TopRight, Colors.Yellow);
Q1: How is font size incorporated with the above code ?
Q2: is font size feature non existent ?
Thanks in advance
29 Nov 2018, 21:57
Thanks for response
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