25 Nov 2019, 23:31
06 Nov 2019, 11:36
01 May 2019, 21:11
29 Apr 2019, 09:29
28 Nov 2018, 11:21

26 Nov 2019, 11:41


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Cenenti,

Please send it to

Best Regards,


On it';s way


26 Nov 2019, 11:28


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Cenenti,

Is it possible to send us a video demonstrating this behavior?

Best Regards,


I've made a recording, where must I send it to?


26 Nov 2019, 10:30


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Cenenti,

Can you please clean your browser's cache and try again? Alternatively you can try in InCognito mode. Let us know if this solves the problem.

Best Regards,


Tried it but still the same. Also tried another browser which I never use and same on there.

It's not a problem for me as I can access the accounts via the IC Markets site as the same credentials work there.


Edit: Just did it again i.e. cleared my cache and deleted all cookies etc... went to and not able to log in and no error code or anything. Switched to and used the same credentials and was able to log in.


06 Nov 2019, 12:34


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Cenenti,

Spotware does not have a Java sample for FIX at the moment. If any community members have one, we would be happy if they share it. Can you please provide me with more information about 

the online help is even worse with plenty of dead links and old versions etc

Which links and old versions are you referring to?

Best Regards,


Hi Panagiotis

Some dead links here and some others I found, will see if I can trace them and will add them here.

I have however found the correct links further in the article since posting. In regards to the old, the one Fix api example has not been updated in 4 years so not sure whether the information is still relevant or not.

In regards to the examples, I guess they might be easily understandable for an avid coder but for somebody starting out they are a bit of a nightmare as there are few actual working examples, that I could find, that actually give a proper and chronological breakdown of how everything fits together especially on how everything should be setup. Simple things like where do you place your logging credentials to be used etc..

I know that when it comes to coding that figuring things out are often a large part of the process and I know I will get there eventually and get this app of mine done I was however just asking for a more coherent example from which I could learn and work from if such are available.


01 May 2019, 22:01

Some feedback for anybody reading this....

Problem is not cTrader but IC Markets. They had technical problems on their side.


01 May 2019, 21:24

Just suspended all my life trading as it just happened again while I had almost 50 lots in the market on a live account.

Not sure what is going on but not touching cTrader until there is confirmation that this has been resolved.


28 Nov 2018, 11:36

Thanks for the reply, it makes sense.

It would however be nice if one could just, for example, select the broker in a dropdown box on the desktop version and then select the required account with said broker instead of having to open another platform.
