
17 Nov 2015, 22:23


Let me EDIT my post:

Still no news on this huh? 

You would rather have #ctraderusers all be working on creating their own variants, instead of just one of the spotware employees doing it for all? 

What I mean here, is for each combination, like having a stochastic with an overlapping RSI (or rainbow), it will take a spotware person a few minutes, or it will take 1 million users, collectively, 15million minutes (that is 350,000 man-hours) to to it all for themselves.  How do you justify that?  You are annoying a whole lot of people with that. We don't want to program - we have already taken time out of trading, to reluctantly come here... now we learn that things don't get fixed - we'll have to do programming too now. 



17 Nov 2015, 22:16

This post was removed by moderator.



16 Nov 2015, 08:37


I checked it out, and it is incomplete. 

on MT you can specify if you want it based on Median price ((H+L)/2), but I do not see that option in this one. 

I only see H, L, O, C... and based on all the other things I have loaded, but no HL/2.  ditto for HLC/3 and HLCC/4

this is so basic that I don't know how you guys miss these things    :(

and btw, it's the end of 2015, a year later, and it is still not available by default like you said it would, as I've had to download it. 


12 Nov 2015, 21:12

I am not sure I follow... in both mt4 and cTrader, you just click in the chart's right sidebar, and it scales as you want it to.


12 Nov 2015, 20:49

You must be new at trading... they "close" at the same time very day...
look at your watch, your clock on the wall... it's not hard.
If you add every non-critical thing into cTrader it will become slower and more bloated.
Make wise choices.


12 Nov 2015, 20:47

You can drop 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 min!
Add 12min.
Give us the option to edit the timeframe list, so we can hide those we do not want.
Not sure why you need 90min, when we have 1h and 2h already, but I am all for it if you feel strongly about it.
We need timeframes for good reason, not because a programmer just decided to cram everything in under the sun under the 10min.


12 Nov 2015, 20:41

*patterns (typo was patters)


12 Nov 2015, 20:21

There are hundreds of brokers throughout the world. You cannot impose your ideology on the entire planet. If you do not like, use an American broker.
ECN or not, what I care about in the end, is connection (lag) performance, slippage, fulfillment speed, spreads (including amount for commissions), and how they are regulated (ie: client accounts segregated from their own, as in DE, GB, N.A., AU regulations for example, not Cyprus or Mauritius or places like that).
No one broker gives you 100% of everything being perfect. But I have tried ICM and they come pretty close (only criticism is fulfillment time that could be faster, but their MT4 server, for example, are 3 to 4 times faster than other brokers - cTrader, however, seems to be identical across all broker platforms from where I sit).


12 Nov 2015, 20:14

Memory leakage is a bad problem, symptomatic of hasty programming.


29 Jun 2015, 22:39


Timmi said:

Spotware said:

We plan to support adding two indicators to one indicator panel in the future.

wow!  THANK YOU! 

Please do not limit it to two!  If you must max it out, allow up to 4 or 5.  Let me explain why: 

for example, in MT, I have Accelerator oscillator in the background, Stochastic over it, plus CCI and another line oscillator - all in their own contrasting colors of course, so you can distinguish them out at a glance. 

two is a great improvement... half a dozen is great flexibility.  the thing is, if you have the chance, don't limit things - that way, you won't have people asking you to add more.  let's do it right the first time. 


the indicators that I like to have, depending on if I'm swing trading or scalping are: 

Accelerator Oscillator and Stochastic, as well as another one such as CCI or Rainbow or RSI, all overlaid in the same window. 

Ultimate Oscillator and Stochastic, plus CCI or RSI. 

I am really not a C programmer... I wish I had the knowledge to just do this on my own instead of having to rely on cTrader team for this. 

If anyone is interested in doing this, please post.  Thank you. 


04 Jun 2014, 18:40


Spotware said:

Thank you for your idea. We will consider it. Additionally, you can post your idea to

Why do you offer the broker the possibility to customize the order in the list?  

You've already lended legitimacy to the usefulness of this - I just don't see why the end user shouldn't be able to do it too, as in MT. 

Thank you for considering this. 


03 Jun 2014, 23:35


Timmi said:

Timmi said:what I mean, was that in favorites, the pairs take up several lines, whereas in symbos, you have one per line. 

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 


just in case it got overlooked because I replied on top and not on bottom: 

in Favorites, I can only see 4 pairs per screen before I have to scroll - whereas in Symbols Tab I can see 22 before I need to scroll!  that is over 5 times more.  

There is definitely an advantage to being able to personalize the sorting of the Symbols list! 



03 Jun 2014, 10:17


Timmi said:what I mean, was that in favorites, the pairs take up several lines, whereas in symbos, you have one per line. 

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 



03 Jun 2014, 10:05

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 

To make matters worse, the two brokers I use that have cTrader, place them in entirely different sequence.  One is alphabetical, one is majors, then a disorderly bunch of crosses, then exotics. 

Every trader has a reason for wanting things a certain way (hence the extreme flexibility of MT - it got that way for a reason).  My reasons are, in case you are interested, because I follow various sources for trade opportunities:  autochartist, my brokers' daily emails, my own research... and when I spot something, I'll start checking out the currency in various timeframes.  

I might like to bring up correlated pairs, or I might like to check the stronger currency with a weaker one. 

Point is, there are so many situations where you want to look up other pairs, that will not be in your favorites list.  

And you would obviously like to have your list arranges according to your own logic - of course, the broker will place it in order of majors, crosses, etc, or alphabetical, but only WE THE TRADERS know what our individual needs are.  

For this reason, it is most practical to be able to order it ourselves, according to our own logic, convenience, and trading style. 



03 Jun 2014, 07:18

I do not understand why you would want that in different timeframes, instead of on the same timeframe? 


03 Jun 2014, 07:07

Chrome and Firefox handle multiple tabs differently

hi guys, you need to keep in mind, that the two browser engines have a very different design.  

I tested these browsers too long ago to remember which is which, but one uses less memory at the outset, but may increase dramatically the amount of memory (and CPU usage) as you increase the amount of tabs that are open.  

That is because one will use the same engine to manage all tabs and processes, while the other will multiply the engine running in memory, to better manage a crash situation, conflicts and multi-tasking.  I don't think one approach is better than the other - it's just two different philosophies of achieving their goals with the program.  


31 May 2014, 03:54


Spotware said:

We plan to support adding two indicators to one indicator panel in the future.

wow!  THANK YOU! 


Please do not limit it to two!  If you must max it out, allow up to 4 or 5.  Let me explain why: 


for example, in MT, I have Accelerator oscillator in the background, Stochastic over it, plus CCI and another line oscillator - all in their own contrasting colors of course, so you can distinguish them out at a glance. 


two is a great improvement... half a dozen is great flexibility.  the thing is, if you have the chance, don't limit things - that way, you won't have people asking you to add more.  let's do it right the first time. 


24 May 2014, 20:35


Spotware said:

Timmi said:

Spotware said:

In order to normalize values of indicator you need to know about visible min and max of another indicator. cAlgo API doesn't expose such information at the moment.

Currently drawing two indicators with independent scales into one panel is not possible.

what if you bring both onto a common scale?  

using formulas to bring them to a common denominator? 

You can try to do that. If you have any example please share it with the community.

This stuff is all way over my head. I am not a developer or a programmer.  

What I am trying to say, is this: 

oscillators that use a scale from 0-100, for example, have an indicator that has source data which is in the HLC-Vol-Time data - because there is no other data to work on- it's all you get.  So if you are able to transform that datafeed, to build an oscillator that goes from between 0-100 (just for example - but it can be any range), then you can also take any other data, and bring it to such a range.  If it goes from 1-1000, divide the values by 10.  Or a square root, or square something, or whatever - I don't kow the formulas behind any existing oscillators and indicators, so I am not the person to ask this question.  I just find it funny that we are told that something is NOT possible because they don't share a common scale.  That makes no sense at all - why stop at "scale" and just say no?  We just have to rebuild the same indicators and oscillators to share a common scale/range, that is all - and your condition has been met.  


We are TRADERS, NOT programmers, who would like to use cTrader for one or another characteristic that we like.  You aren't making it easy for us... it's much easier to just throw up our arms, say I give up, and go back to MT and continue doing what we want to be doing:  TRADING. 


16 May 2014, 20:40


Spotware said:

In order to normalize values of indicator you need to know about visible min and max of another indicator. cAlgo API doesn't expose such information at the moment.

Currently drawing two indicators with independent scales into one panel is not possible.

what if you bring both onto a common scale?  

using formulas to bring them to a common denominator? 


05 Nov 2013, 03:48

Having experienced problems in the past with windoze and browsers, let me just pass on some things I've learned: 

clear your browser's cache!  and stored files too.  this needs to be purged sometimes.  

when that fails, clear your windows applications cache.   I've had web tech support walk me through that in the past but unfortunately I'm not in a position to help you with that. 

and restart your windoze every now and then - don't just leave it running for weeks. 

Of course, spybot search & destroy (or other good spyware/malware complement to your existing antivirus), to get rid of spyware and malware can help keep things ticking nicely too. 

when trading, where money is at stake (and when the risks are high), we need to make sure our computers are in top top shape!

