22 Nov 2019, 10:22
08 Sep 2019, 18:31
20 Feb 2019, 06:54
20 Feb 2019, 06:51

11 Mar 2020, 14:56 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

RE: RE: RE: Can we buy the whole suit now

WOW, this is exceptional good results. For sure, the super high volatility of the last week helped a lot. 

Thanks for sharing!


driftingprogrammer said:

sifneosfx said:

Hi Ben, 

it makes no sense to run the same asset in two different timeframes, as on one the system may find a sell signal and on the other a buy signal. This will confuse your trading for sure. I strongly recommend to use just one instance of the asset and decide wherever to run it on 4h or 1h. We will not build in such a function to distinct between timeframes as we see it as non productive. 

We will not introduce any new parameters as parameters we have delivered are samples. Because every broker delivers different historically data, the results always vary. It is your duty to find best parameters for any given asset, timeframe, broker.

Customer are informed by mail on new versions. All updates are for customers free, lifetime.

Hope that helps...

driftingprogrammer said:


I have been testing your robot on all 30 parameters.

There are 2 markets  which are running on both 1 hr and 4 hr timeframe. By looking at the log output is it possible to make a distinction between the outputs of these 2 robots.

I have found in the last one month the robot has performed extremely poorly on NZDUSD using the default parameters that come with the download. I am unable to assess weather both the instances of NZDUSD are performing poorly or only one of them is performing poorly.

If it is not possible to make that distinction it would be great if such a feature is added sometime in the future,

Is it ok to go ahead and buy the Robot now. After buying the robot when you intriduce new parameters for new markets or update existing parameters for better performance how do you inform the existing customers.

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.




Here are the test results of running all the 30 parameters for the last 48 hours, one would think that during these times the robot might fail but he performed much better, while i was not expecting more then 20% monthly return it gave a 40% return in 2 days ->




11 Mar 2020, 13:41

RE: Can we buy the whole suit now

Hi Ben, 

it makes no sense to run the same asset in two different timeframes, as on one the system may find a sell signal and on the other a buy signal. This will confuse your trading for sure. I strongly recommend to use just one instance of the asset and decide wherever to run it on 4h or 1h. We will not build in such a function to distinct between timeframes as we see it as non productive. 

We will not introduce any new parameters as parameters we have delivered are samples. Because every broker delivers different historically data, the results always vary. It is your duty to find best parameters for any given asset, timeframe, broker.

Customer are informed by mail on new versions. All updates are for customers free, lifetime.

Hope that helps...

driftingprogrammer said:


I have been testing your robot on all 30 parameters.

There are 2 markets  which are running on both 1 hr and 4 hr timeframe. By looking at the log output is it possible to make a distinction between the outputs of these 2 robots.

I have found in the last one month the robot has performed extremely poorly on NZDUSD using the default parameters that come with the download. I am unable to assess weather both the instances of NZDUSD are performing poorly or only one of them is performing poorly.

If it is not possible to make that distinction it would be great if such a feature is added sometime in the future,

Is it ok to go ahead and buy the Robot now. After buying the robot when you intriduce new parameters for new markets or update existing parameters for better performance how do you inform the existing customers.

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.





30 Jan 2020, 14:51


Expecting Spotware to build an OSx version of the cTRader is like expecting Tesla to build a combustion engine car :)

That would be a project of at least over 10 person/year, so forget it! 

edoardo.ferretto99 said:




30 Jan 2020, 14:47


I will save your time by saying, this Strategie you are about to implement, will never work :)


twoheartzin1soul said:

hi guys how can i change from random buy in a martingale to make a simultaneous buy and sell ?? in the sense, instead of opening a single position in one direction, open two inverse each time


thanks all


using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class MartingaleRobot : Robot
        [Parameter("Initial Volume", DefaultValue = 10000, MinValue = 0)]
        public int InitialVolume { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Stop Loss", DefaultValue = 40)]
        public int StopLoss { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Take Profit", DefaultValue = 40)]
        public int TakeProfit { get; set; }

        private Random random = new Random();

        protected override void OnStart()
            Positions.Closed += OnPositionsClosed;

            ExecuteOrder(InitialVolume, GetRandomTradeType());

        private void ExecuteOrder(long volume, TradeType tradeType)
            var result = ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, Symbol, volume, "Martingale", StopLoss, TakeProfit);

            if (result.Error == ErrorCode.NoMoney)

        private void OnPositionsClosed(PositionClosedEventArgs args)
            var position = args.Position;

            if (position.Label != "Martingale" || position.SymbolCode != Symbol.Code)

            if (position.GrossProfit > 0)
                ExecuteOrder(InitialVolume, GetRandomTradeType());
                ExecuteOrder((int)position.Volume * 2, position.TradeType);

        private TradeType GetRandomTradeType()
            return random.Next(0) == 0 ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell;





01 Dec 2019, 11:55


cTRader is at 100% and windows is at 125%. I 've changed windows to 100% but lines are still bit thicker than before and blurred.

Thank you!


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi sifneosfx,

Can you please advise the scale you use for Windows and for cTrader?

Best Regards,




29 Nov 2019, 08:20 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )


As already mentioned in telegram, lines are now thinner indeed, but not that thin as on the previous version and they are blurred...


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi sifneosfx,

This issue has been fixed on Spotware Beta. It will be rolled out to brokers soon.

Best Regards,




20 Nov 2019, 14:47


That did the magic, thanx!



Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi sifneosfx,

Maybe because History does not contain positions but HistoricalTrade items.

Best Regards,




20 Nov 2019, 13:55


This doesn't work either:


        public double total_volume;
        protected override double GetFitness(GetFitnessArgs args)
            return GetTotalVolume();

        private double GetTotalVolume()
            foreach (Position pos in History.FindAll("trendpilot"))
                total_volume += pos.VolumeInUnits;
            return total_volume;



20 Nov 2019, 13:10


Very strage, when removing from code the forech loop, I got results, with the loop (that does nothing) i get fitness 0.


        public double total_volume;
        protected override double GetFitness(GetFitnessArgs args)
            foreach (Position pos in args.History.FindAll("trendpilot"))
            return args.History.FindAll("trendpilot").Length;



18 Nov 2019, 18:18


Sorry for the stupif question :)


            MarketSeries monthly_series = MarketData.GetSeries(SymbolName, TimeFrame.Monthly);
            double monthly_high = monthly_series.High.Maximum(year_high_low_period_months);
            double monthly_low = monthly_series.Low.Minimum(year_high_low_period_months);



07 Nov 2019, 10:23


If you are not able to trade manually profitable then a robot won't help. Bots are here to assits us, not to do all the work, it is not possblie. So, before looking for a bot, learn to trade manually. 

This is my advice!

Good luck!

vikkineshwar said:

Hi Friends,


I am looking for a perfect cbot/Algo which can perform well (10%-15% monthly) and a DD upto 35%, is there any with good support ? 



03 Nov 2019, 09:46


That would be great!!!



02 Nov 2019, 17:42


Check this:

augrust said:

hi i try to search for Cbot that help placing many order of buy only or sell only 

with distance, all SL, all TSl and all TP not sure if it available anywhere 

thank in advance 




02 Nov 2019, 17:40


Check this example:

mauriziolobello said:

Hi, as the subject says, I built an indicator and now I want to use its data into a cBot I built as well. Is there a way to accomplish this scenario? Thanks for your attention.





25 Oct 2019, 11:00

This feature will clarify a lot in backtesting, espacialy for all those of us doing quantitative trading using all majors! Can't wait for that feature!


25 Oct 2019, 10:52 saves all chart objects with tha chart. So, even if you close the chart and open it later, it will open with all obejcts previously drawed on it. You still can change template, colors, etc, but the objects are attached to the chart. This is a great features!


22 Oct 2019, 07:58 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )


Same here...


Tatsuya said:

So yeah,please bring the old fibonacci retracement back or fix the thickness please.



09 Oct 2019, 10:28


Sorry for the dealyed answer, that was a fxpro borker issue!


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Patrick,

Can you help us reproduce this behavior? We will need the cBot, the broker and the dates you are backtesting. To make a guess, this is probably an issue with backtesting data.

Best Regards,




09 Sep 2019, 15:45




Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi sinfeosfx,

Just use a for loop

            for (int i = 0; i < i_fractal.UpFractal.Count; i++)
               var price = i_fractal.UpFractal[i];

Best Regards,




18 Aug 2019, 11:38

Best workaround I found sofar is to check if value is NaN. Example:

            if (!double.IsNaN(sma_daily.Result.LastValue))
                    do not validate sma_daily
                    valildate sma_daily

This way, you will always get same results on optimization and on backtest. You will just 
