23 Oct 2018, 01:13
Thanks for your reply.
A few follow up questins,
On #2 - Is there any plans to impliment a passive investment type model (this will be more attractive to profitable MMs rather than the variables of clients execution of their trades.
On #3 - Any reason for this?
On #4 - Surely these two can work hand in hand? If I want to copy on a E-E basis at 2x all that is required is to treat my equality as 50% of what it is. 200% for me to run x0.5, and so on.
On #6 - I sent an email to the partners email regarding master IBs and it was yourself that replied, is this the same avenue with which we can discusss this? My email is similar to my username here, for your reference.
23 Oct 2018, 01:15
On a somewhat unrelated issue, I am trying to run some tests on cTrader Copy but am unable to connect strateiges via IC Marktes or Traderway. I understand IC have not updated to 3.0 based on other posts here but TW do show on their software it is 3.0.
Are there still teething problems with connecting new strategies? There appears to be no banner to connect strategies and copying is the only thing enabled.