04 Jun 2015, 20:02
13 Dec 2013, 07:40
29 Nov 2013, 08:01
28 Nov 2013, 02:02
12 Nov 2013, 21:55
30 Oct 2013, 06:16
29 Oct 2013, 07:34

04 Aug 2015, 07:34

I originally did an upgrade from Windows 7 Ultimate and it may have messed with the application. I eventually did a clean Windows 10 install and now it works.


18 Jun 2015, 18:03


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

We apologize for this confusion, it appears you were not aware that Signal Providers receive 70% of the fees which they charge their followers. 

In the upcoming version of cMirror this fact will be clearly displayed. 

The previous bug which you highlighted was fixed and you were correctly remunerated. 

Is there documentation anywhere publicly available for cMirror? It appears there is a lot of information left out regarding the payout structure; even brokers are confused. The cMirror Help Guide has barely any information.


12 Jun 2015, 20:20


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Thanks again for your questions.

We have a system in place which regulates commissions for this scenario to support cMirror's broker agnostic ecosystem.

Is there someone I can contact in private about this? I seem to be getting contradicting answers between you and my broker.


11 Jun 2015, 19:19

Thank you for responding.

1. How would this work if the signal provider is trading on Broker A while clients are trading on Broker B? This is big possibility since cMirror is broker neutral.


09 Jun 2015, 19:54

Bumping this thread so Spotware can answer.


04 Jun 2015, 20:04

I have not seen a response from any official Spotware members in several months now. What's going on?


14 Mar 2015, 02:01

It's a lambda expression.


23 Oct 2014, 07:16


AlexanderRC said:

Better yet some kind of a public API into backtesting engine or optimizer itself.

That may restrict freedom for 3rd party applications; although I haven't thought about it too much in depth (API). 

As I assume we are both talking from a professional background of money management, both would work just as well.


19 Jan 2014, 21:53

currencye, everything you are requesting can already be done, there's no need for it to be built in. Simply find the API library for what you need, reference it and use it in your code. I've already done 1, 3, 4 and 5. 

6 and 8 just seem like overkill.


09 Jan 2014, 06:54

I would like to save cBot instances into workspaces, will this be possible in cTrader?

03 Jan 2014, 23:53

Try spam compiling scripts, it does the same thing as well.


03 Jan 2014, 23:51


Spotware said:

Workspaces will be available in cTrader. Thank you for your feedback.

What about cAlgo?


03 Jan 2014, 03:23

It would be helpful to have workspaces on cTrader as well. 

For example, I would like to have 1 workspaces for each currency pair with 4 charts open (4 different timeframes and templates).


03 Jan 2014, 03:18


Spotware said:

We assure you that we are working on this. We apologize for all the inconvenience.

Do you guys have a rough estimate of when these leaks will be repaired? I cannot trade live until this is fixed.

1.6GB RAM -> 8GB overnight is ridiculous. I have to restart the terminal every morning; something that I should not have to worry about as an algo trader (already have enough to do). I plan to use VPS/Co-location services for live trading. I cannot afford to restart every day.


13 Dec 2013, 23:35

Reason your code isn't working isn't because of the To.String(), it's because you're use of string concatenation is incorrect.


13 Dec 2013, 23:31


uvx_01 said:

Just tested again.

Print("Account.Balance before the trade is {0} ", Account.Balance);

is showing the numbers, while the 

Print("Account.Balance before the trade is ", Account.Balance.ToString());


Of course the second wouldn't. 

Print("Account.Balance before the trade is " + Account.Balance.ToString());

This would though.


12 Dec 2013, 22:27


Cerunnos said:

Hyperloop said:

I am using a custom domain, hosted through Yahoo Small Business Hosting.

If I just create a new robot that sends an email OnStart, the error message I am getting now is:

12/12/2013 18:56:45.144 | Failed to send email "Test". System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.1 Authentication required    at System.Net.Mail.SendMailAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result)    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailCallback(IAsyncResult result)


Hi, in the e-mail settings of cAlgo you can enable "use authentication" with username & pw. It looks as if your SMTP server now requires authentication.

I already had that set up, but I fixed the issue. Thanks for your suggestion and help. :) I appreciate it. 


12 Dec 2013, 22:27

I enabled Use SSL in the email settings, and now it's working like before. I guess my host changed things up over the weekend. Seems to be working now.


12 Dec 2013, 20:58

I am using a custom domain, hosted through Yahoo Small Business Hosting. 

If I just create a new robot that sends an email OnStart, the error message I am getting now is:

12/12/2013 18:56:45.144 | Failed to send email "Test". System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.1 Authentication required    at System.Net.Mail.SendMailAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result)    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailCallback(IAsyncResult result)



12 Dec 2013, 09:31

I wanted to also add that when it did work, the Log tab of the instance would show that the Email was successfully sent. Now, there is no message at all.
