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06 Aug 2018, 23:57

Yes, I remember :)
I found the problem. For some reason QUOTE was not working if tag 50 was also "QUOTE". After I changed to "PRICE" it started to work.
Anyway thanks. Your posts were very useful. I didn't know that  QUOTE and TRADE should have saparate counters.



03 Aug 2018, 09:09

It looks that I was happy too soon. :(
For unknown reason my QUOTE login message resets the connection.
I didn't notice that and was happy that my TRADE messeges are working after QUOTE logon.
Unfortonately connectios is reset even if I want to start only QUOTE connection. Here is my message:


After that I'm getting :
Connection reset by remote peer (WSAECONNRESET)

server :
QUOTE port: 5211

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.




03 Aug 2018, 02:15

I can't believe it but it's working!! Thanks a lot!!!
To be honest I was very sceptic that this could be a reason, but it looks that you were right!
Thank you!!! :)


30 Jul 2018, 00:30

Here are logon messages:



After first login every TRADE message works. After second it's not working anymore.
Any ideas? Thanks for helping.


26 Jul 2018, 00:58

Correction: Actually I was wrong. I need to send quote logon message to make trade messages fail. But for sure I use different SenderSubID for both streams.


25 Jul 2018, 22:16

Hi. thanks for your reply.
I'm using unique SenderSubID (I use "QUOTE" for quote stream and "TRADE" for trade stream).
The problem is that I don't even need to send logon messege on second stream. After connecting
to host on second port, first connection is not valid anymore. So I'm pretty sure my problem is not about 
SenderSubID. I have two similar methods which initiate connection:

       private int _pricePort = 5211;
       private int _tradePort = 5212;
       private string _host = "";

       public void InitQuoteSSL()
            m_quoteClient = new TcpClient(_host, _quotePort);
            m_quoteStreamSSL = new SslStream(m_quoteClient.GetStream(), false,
                        new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate), null);

        public void InitTradeSSL()
            m_tradeClient = new TcpClient(_host, _tradePort);
            m_tradeStreamSSL = new SslStream(m_tradeClient.GetStream(), false,
                        new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate), null);

First I call InitTradeSSL and after that every trade message works fine. As soon as I call InitQuoteSSL trade messages fail.
What am I doing wrong?


25 Jul 2018, 03:21

Hello #EOL

I have the same problem and unfortunately I can't make it work.
I create two streams (one for TRADE and one for QUOTE) on diferent ports.
As soon as I connect to host with second stream first stops working.
Could you be more specific how you maneged to do that?
Thanks in advance.
