02 May 2018, 15:05

02 May 2018, 15:07 ( Updated at: 02 May 2018, 20:32 )


I am trying to seelect my new forex platform. Long (5+yr) back testing and optimization are a key features in this process. cAlgo has recently added support to externa data in CSV formated file. Unfortunately I am not able to proper format TH data in order to let CAlgo Digest it?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Online B2B Content



02 May 2018, 15:06 ( Updated at: 02 May 2018, 20:32 )


The biggest area I am seeing a problem with is simple task management. Because of the where I work, there are no automated tools or ticketing systems available to me. So that leaves a solution like MS Project or Excel. I would like to utilize Project as much as I can, but I have never gone so far as to try to use it as a ad-hock micro-tasking tool. Further my contract bosses wants daily reports, while my bosses wants weekly reports along with a daily verbal report to one of my bosses. To say I am being micro-managed right now is an understatement.So far I was trying to do a simple text daily e-mail, but many tasks come back from the dead. Also I have been maintaining Project files on a per-project basis, but I need more roll up capabilities to give me condensed and granular info at a moment's notice.So I am looking to Ars to try to help me reign in on this powder keg before it goes pop. Should I try to maintain a single XBOX huge MS Project or Excel file? Are there other alternatives I am not thinking about?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Marketing Communication Examples



02 May 2018, 15:06 ( Updated at: 02 May 2018, 20:33 )


I cant show you what it looks like - because it has no presentation element - it merely subscribes to rate updates, opens a network socket and transmits the tick updates. Its part of a Tick Capture mechanism.A separate process should accept socket updates and, if it chooses, capture tick updates for analysis or external backtesting, or act as a feed for alternate trading capabilities. You deploy 1 indicator per chart you wish to capture?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

B2B Digital Marketing

