What happens to you is by design so there is nothing to test. This is how it should work. Also in your video it does not seem you follow my instructions. Please record a video demonstrating that you follow my instructions and send it to us.
PS. Please show some respect to the forum and don't write in capitals as if you shout at us. We are trying to help you here.
Best regards,
i don't understand what you mean by “provide full access permissions” if you could can provide a screenshot showing how i can provide full access permissions when i add the indicator on the chart i don't thing we would be having this shenanigans,
your respond is extremely vague on what am supposed to do
PS. am the most respectful person i give what i get, can you be respectful, professional and courteous towards your clients. there is too much complain towards ctrader support
Hi there,
i don't understand what you mean by “provide full access permissions” if you could can provide a screenshot showing how i can provide full access permissions when i add the indicator on the chart i don't thing we would be having this shenanigans,
You never said that you did not understand what I proposed. Instead you wrote that you did it. If you wrote earlier that you do not understand what I am suggesting you to do, I would have tried to explain it in a different way. Instead you chose to send complaint emails to the management. In order to help you further, please withdraw your complaint.
what do you mean “in order to help you further,please withdraw your complaint”, you are threatening me now.
i have a genuine complain against you and now you are threatening me?
What happens to you is by design so there is nothing to test. This is how it should work. Also in your video it does not seem you follow my instructions. Please record a video demonstrating that you follow my instructions and send it to us.
PS. Please show some respect to the forum and don't write in capitals as if you shout at us. We are trying to help you here.
Best regards,
i don't understand what you mean by “provide full access permissions” if you could can provide a screenshot showing how i can provide full access permissions when i add the indicator on the chart i don't think we would be having this shenanigans,
your respond is extremely vague on what am supposed to do
PS. am the most respectful person i give what i get, can you be respectful, professional and courteous towards your clients. there is too much complain towards ctrader support
by clicking allow is that what you mean when you say “add the indicator on the chart and provide full access permissions.”?
on the attached screenshot earlier that's exactly what i did,
then i save that template, when i load that template on another chart it's not loading the indicator, even when i click to load the same template on the same chart so that indicator can appear it's not loading and this is what i've been saying all along.
08 Nov 2024, 14:42
( Updated at: 08 Nov 2024, 14:44 )
What happens to you is by design so there is nothing to test. This is how it should work. Also in your video it does not seem you follow my instructions. Please record a video demonstrating that you follow my instructions and send it to us.
PS. Please show some respect to the forum and don't write in capitals as if you shout at us. We are trying to help you here.
Best regards,
i don't understand what you mean by “provide full access permissions” if you could can provide a screenshot showing how i can provide full access permissions when i add the indicator on the chart i don't think we would be having this shenanigans,
your respond is extremely vague on what am supposed to do
PS. am the most respectful person i give what i get, can you be respectful, professional and courteous towards your clients. there is too much complain towards ctrader support
by clicking allow is that what you mean when you say “add the indicator on the chart and provide full access permissions.”?
08 Nov 2024, 12:03
( Updated at: 08 Nov 2024, 12:07 )
What happens to you is by design so there is nothing to test. This is how it should work. Also in your video it does not seem you follow my instructions. Please record a video demonstrating that you follow my instructions and send it to us.
PS. Please show some respect to the forum and don't write in capitals as if you shout at us. We are trying to help you here.
Best regards,
i don't understand what you mean by “provide full access permissions” if you could can provide a screenshot showing how i can provide full access permissions when i add the indicator on the chart i don't thing we would be having this shenanigans,
your respond is extremely vague on what am supposed to do
PS. am the most respectful person i give what i get, can you be respectful, professional and courteous towards your clients. there is too much complain towards ctrader support
08 Nov 2024, 08:55
( Updated at: 08 Nov 2024, 10:18 )
The solution to your problem is to add the indicator on the chart and provide full access permissions. Then the template should load without a problem.
Best regards,
Hi there!
did you understood what am saying?
did you try out?
did you create a template with this indicator then try to load that template on another chart and see if this indicator will appear on the chart?
the issue is when i create a template and include other indicators, then try and load that template on another chart all other indicators are showing except this one. do you understand my point?
thank you
Hi there,
Yes. Did you try what I suggested? Did you add the indicator on the chart, give full permissions and then try to load the template again?
Best regards,
i have tried what you are suggesting and it's still not working.
but i don't think you've tried what am saying
at this point am starting to feel like you've not tried it out you are assuming and ignoring this issue or you are being dismissive
Again add this indicator to a chart
it will prompt you to allow it (give full permissions)
click allow (sad am the one showing ctrader team how to add an indicator on the chart)
then click okay
at this point the indicator should be running
right click on the chart and go to template, name the template and click save as shown on the image above ……..(did you do this?)
this is where there problem is
i hope i've made my self clear this time round.
i have tried different ideas nothing seem to be working. but i think the issue is with the ctrader ver 5.0 because it's working fine on ctrader ver. 4.9.2
i have sent an email now with the video, i've also sent a video to @cTrader_Team telegram account and also i've posted it on ctrader official chat group on telegram
The solution to your problem is to add the indicator on the chart and provide full access permissions. Then the template should load without a problem.
Best regards,
Hi there!
did you understood what am saying?
did you try out?
did you create a template with this indicator then try to load that template on another chart and see if this indicator will appear on the chart?
the issue is when i create a template and include other indicators, then try and load that template on another chart all other indicators are showing except this one. do you understand my point?
" am trying to make this cbot open trades exactly on the MA crossing"
This depends on when you define a MA crossing. Right now, your code doesn't check the current bar/candle to see if the MA's crossed. Rather, it checks the previous bar and the bar before that (last(1) and last(2)).
If you want it on the exact tick that it happens, then you need to check the current values of the MA against the previous bar's values. Eg, last(0) and last(1) instead of last(1) and last(2).
Your indicator code has a bug, you access the Last(1) which means there should be at least two bars inside Bars collection two access the last second one, and if it's the first bar then it throws argument out of range exception.
You should check IsLastBar of Index == 0, try this:
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class DailyPriceLines : Indicator
private Bars _bars;
[Parameter("High", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool High { get; set; }
[Parameter("Low", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Low { get; set; }
[Parameter("Open", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Open { get; set; }
[Parameter("Close", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Close { get; set; }
[Parameter("High Color", DefaultValue = "Red")]
public string HighColor { get; set; }
[Parameter("Low Color", DefaultValue = "Lime")]
public string LowColor { get; set; }
[Parameter("Open Color", DefaultValue = "Transparent")]
public string OpenColor { get; set; }
[Parameter("Close Color", DefaultValue = "Transparent")]
public string CloseColor { get; set; }
protected override void Initialize()
_bars = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Daily);
public override void Calculate(int index)
// This or index == 0 will fix the issue
if (!IsLastBar) return;
if (High)
Chart.DrawHorizontalLine("Daily Heigh", _bars.HighPrices.Last(1), HighColor, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
if (Low)
Chart.DrawHorizontalLine("Daily Low", _bars.LowPrices.Last(1), LowColor, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
if (Open)
Chart.DrawHorizontalLine("Daily Open", _bars.OpenPrices.Last(1), OpenColor, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
if (Close)
Chart.DrawHorizontalLine("Daily Close", _bars.ClosePrices.Last(1), CloseColor, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
Aaaah Aaaah it's working thanks bro you the best thumps up
16 Jun 2022, 08:42
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
amusleh said:
I can't reproduce this issue, can you post again the exact code you are using?
On which symbol and time frame you tested it?
Well i've seen something strange, LOOK
it's showing on all other timeframe except the 1Day chart which i use for day analysis
13 Jun 2022, 13:41
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
amusleh said:
I just tested on both version 4.1 and 4.2.10 and it works fine:
Does it gets suspended immediately after you attach it or after sometime? which exact version of cTrader 4.2 you are using?
i'd say it's immdiately i attach it to the chart on the current version 4.2.10
By commenting I mean remove that line of code by making it a comment, ex:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator("Support and Resistance At Price", IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class SRAtPrice : Indicator
private double extremeHigh = 0;
private double extremeLow = 0;
private double dayHi = 0;
private double dayLo = 0;
private SortedList<double, int> prices = new SortedList<double, int>();
private IList<Zone> zones = new List<Zone>();
private const string ExtremeHighName = "ExtremeHigh";
private const string ExtremeLowName = "ExtremeLow";
private const string DayHighName = "DayHigh";
private const string DayLowName = "DayLow";
[Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 100)]
public int Periods { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Extreme H/L", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ShowExtremeHL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Day H/L", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ShowDayHL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Required Hits", DefaultValue = 0)]
public int RequiredHits { get; set; }
[Parameter("Zone Size", DefaultValue = 2)]
public int ZoneSize { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Lines In Zone", DefaultValue = 1)]
public int MaxLinesInZone { get; set; }
[Output("Extreme H/L Style", Color = Colors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries ExtremeHLStyle { get; set; }
[Output("Day H/L Style", Color = Colors.Blue, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries DayHLStyle { get; set; }
[Output("S/R Style", Color = Colors.Orange, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries SRStyle { get; set; }
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (this.IsLastBar)
var currentOpenDate = this.MarketSeries.OpenTime[index].Date;
var earliest = index - this.Periods;
for (var i = index; i >= earliest; i--)
if (i >= 0)
var high = this.MarketSeries.High[i];
var nextHigh = this.MarketSeries.High[i + 1];
var low = this.MarketSeries.Low[i];
var nextLow = this.MarketSeries.Low[i + 1];
this.extremeHigh = Math.Max(high, this.extremeHigh);
this.extremeLow = this.extremeLow == 0 ? low : Math.Min(low, this.extremeLow);
if (this.TimeFrame < TimeFrame.Minute)
if (this.MarketSeries.OpenTime[i].Date == currentOpenDate)
this.dayHi = Math.Max(high, this.dayHi);
this.dayLo = this.dayLo == 0 ? low : Math.Min(low, this.dayLo);
if (nextHigh <= high)
if (nextLow >= low)
var rangePipSize = (this.Symbol.PipSize * (double)this.ZoneSize);
for (var i = this.extremeLow + rangePipSize; i < this.extremeHigh - rangePipSize; i += rangePipSize + this.Symbol.PipSize)
this.zones.Add(new Zone
Start = i,
End = i + rangePipSize,
LinesRendered = 0
foreach (var price in this.prices.Keys)
this.RenderSRIfRequred(price, this.prices[price]);
if (this.ShowExtremeHL)
if (this.TimeFrame < TimeFrame.Minute && this.ShowDayHL)
private void RenderSRIfRequred(double price, int count)
if (count < this.RequiredHits)
foreach (var range in this.zones)
if (price >= range.Start && price <= range.End)
if (range.LinesRendered != this.MaxLinesInZone)
private void AddOrUpdatePrice(double priceValue)
if (this.prices.ContainsKey(priceValue))
this.prices.Add(priceValue, 1);
private void DrawExtremeHigh()
this.DrawExtreme(ExtremeHighName, this.extremeHigh);
private void DrawExtremeLow()
this.DrawExtreme(ExtremeLowName, this.extremeLow);
private void DrawDayHigh()
this.DrawDay(DayHighName, this.dayHi);
private void DrawDayLow()
this.DrawDay(DayLowName, this.dayLo);
private void DrawExtreme(string name, double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("ExtremeHLStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(name, level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private void DrawDay(string name, double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("DayHLStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(name, level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private void DrawSR(double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("SRStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(string.Format("SR {0}", level), level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private T GetAttributeFrom<T>(string propertyName)
var attrType = typeof(T);
var property = this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
return (T)property.GetCustomAttributes(attrType, false).GetValue(0);
private class Price
internal double Value { get; set; }
internal int Count { get; set; }
private class Zone
internal double Start { get; set; }
internal double End { get; set; }
internal int LinesRendered { get; set; }
it's good thanks
i thought this issue was sorted but i've just realized it was not... the indicator won't update it's stuck, and in some timeframe it's not showing, but when i delete it
By commenting I mean remove that line of code by making it a comment, ex:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator("Support and Resistance At Price", IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class SRAtPrice : Indicator
private double extremeHigh = 0;
private double extremeLow = 0;
private double dayHi = 0;
private double dayLo = 0;
private SortedList<double, int> prices = new SortedList<double, int>();
private IList<Zone> zones = new List<Zone>();
private const string ExtremeHighName = "ExtremeHigh";
private const string ExtremeLowName = "ExtremeLow";
private const string DayHighName = "DayHigh";
private const string DayLowName = "DayLow";
[Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 100)]
public int Periods { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Extreme H/L", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ShowExtremeHL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Day H/L", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ShowDayHL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Required Hits", DefaultValue = 0)]
public int RequiredHits { get; set; }
[Parameter("Zone Size", DefaultValue = 2)]
public int ZoneSize { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Lines In Zone", DefaultValue = 1)]
public int MaxLinesInZone { get; set; }
[Output("Extreme H/L Style", Color = Colors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries ExtremeHLStyle { get; set; }
[Output("Day H/L Style", Color = Colors.Blue, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries DayHLStyle { get; set; }
[Output("S/R Style", Color = Colors.Orange, LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsVeryRare)]
public IndicatorDataSeries SRStyle { get; set; }
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (this.IsLastBar)
var currentOpenDate = this.MarketSeries.OpenTime[index].Date;
var earliest = index - this.Periods;
for (var i = index; i >= earliest; i--)
if (i >= 0)
var high = this.MarketSeries.High[i];
var nextHigh = this.MarketSeries.High[i + 1];
var low = this.MarketSeries.Low[i];
var nextLow = this.MarketSeries.Low[i + 1];
this.extremeHigh = Math.Max(high, this.extremeHigh);
this.extremeLow = this.extremeLow == 0 ? low : Math.Min(low, this.extremeLow);
if (this.TimeFrame < TimeFrame.Minute)
if (this.MarketSeries.OpenTime[i].Date == currentOpenDate)
this.dayHi = Math.Max(high, this.dayHi);
this.dayLo = this.dayLo == 0 ? low : Math.Min(low, this.dayLo);
if (nextHigh <= high)
if (nextLow >= low)
var rangePipSize = (this.Symbol.PipSize * (double)this.ZoneSize);
for (var i = this.extremeLow + rangePipSize; i < this.extremeHigh - rangePipSize; i += rangePipSize + this.Symbol.PipSize)
this.zones.Add(new Zone
Start = i,
End = i + rangePipSize,
LinesRendered = 0
foreach (var price in this.prices.Keys)
this.RenderSRIfRequred(price, this.prices[price]);
if (this.ShowExtremeHL)
if (this.TimeFrame < TimeFrame.Minute && this.ShowDayHL)
private void RenderSRIfRequred(double price, int count)
if (count < this.RequiredHits)
foreach (var range in this.zones)
if (price >= range.Start && price <= range.End)
if (range.LinesRendered != this.MaxLinesInZone)
private void AddOrUpdatePrice(double priceValue)
if (this.prices.ContainsKey(priceValue))
this.prices.Add(priceValue, 1);
private void DrawExtremeHigh()
this.DrawExtreme(ExtremeHighName, this.extremeHigh);
private void DrawExtremeLow()
this.DrawExtreme(ExtremeLowName, this.extremeLow);
private void DrawDayHigh()
this.DrawDay(DayHighName, this.dayHi);
private void DrawDayLow()
this.DrawDay(DayLowName, this.dayLo);
private void DrawExtreme(string name, double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("ExtremeHLStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(name, level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private void DrawDay(string name, double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("DayHLStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(name, level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private void DrawSR(double level)
var attribute = this.GetAttributeFrom<OutputAttribute>("SRStyle");
this.ChartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(string.Format("SR {0}", level), level, attribute.Color, attribute.Thickness, attribute.LineStyle);
private T GetAttributeFrom<T>(string propertyName)
var attrType = typeof(T);
var property = this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
return (T)property.GetCustomAttributes(attrType, false).GetValue(0);
private class Price
internal double Value { get; set; }
internal int Count { get; set; }
private class Zone
internal double Start { get; set; }
internal double End { get; set; }
internal int LinesRendered { get; set; }
it's good thanks
19 May 2022, 19:10
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
RE: RE: RE: downgrade
amusleh said:
dokinya said:
amusleh said:
We were able to reproduce the issue with your indicator, we are investigating now what's causing it, please be patient and wait for our reply.
is there anyway i can downgrade the platform?
There is no way to downgrade, for this particular indicator you can comment the "this.ChartObjects.RemoveAllObjects();" line and it will work on version 4.2.
isn't this the same thing already on the indicator or where am i supposed to comment that?
11 Nov 2024, 07:09
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
what do you mean “in order to help you further,please withdraw your complaint”, you are threatening me now.
i have a genuine complain against you and now you are threatening me?