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29 Feb 2020, 16:01


leohermoso said:

Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi leoheermoso,

There isn't such a place. Usually known bugs are fixed in the next couple of versions. This is an exception since we are currently refactoring cTrader Automate and we will fix this as soon as we finish.

Best Regards,


Hello Panagiotis,


Tks for your answer, I am looking forward to this fix!
23 Feb 2020, 19:01

I have a similar problem.


When I backtest the tick are important to me, I select the tick data from server (accurate)

If 99% of the ticks are not used in indicators, it's completely useless in my optinion if your algo use indicators, its impossible to rely on them while backtesting.

Add an option under  tick data from server (accurate)

like tick data for indicators (accurate) will add latency

so it is up to us to select and test this with this option not up to you, you cannot code something if you cannot rely on backtesting...


Thank you!!
03 May 2018, 13:59

I forget to mension, also the value could by in % or the actual amount needed. % could be ideal for max equity/balance DD because using an amount is not really needed in my case.
29 Apr 2018, 01:45

ok year fuck after the update ctrader was just not working, I restarted the app and now it work...
29 Apr 2018, 01:41

I mean current date - one year, is the start date min date needed now...
27 Mar 2018, 12:35

Yes it's exactly that great!
27 Mar 2018, 00:05

Ok i will do what I can since my project is big, i need to create a small example for that.

Basically I was doing a ClosePosition using ModifyPosition :) since the ClosePosition with a volume is not working in backtesting. I was decreasing the volume instead of increasing the volume.


from 5000 to 4000

from 4000 to 3000

from 3000 to 2000

from 2000 to 1000

then ClosePosition
24 Mar 2018, 02:32

Also a suggestion, I mostly use Tick for my stuffs, That would be great to have in the Timeframe enum T1 to TX, I would like to test few stuffs using for example T20 with some indicators.
21 Feb 2018, 02:43

RE: said:

I added 2 customs indicators in my BOT so I can use it for trading.

But I get this stupid error.


Why I cannot add custom Indicators in a bot, that normal? 2 customs indicator is to much??


I use a lot of indicator for test without any issues but custom one?!!?


Thank you!

OK I will create another projects and put my indicators in it, sound like the only solution!