
30 May 2019, 15:29

FIX available host jumps from h55.* to h33.* and back without warning

Thanks for that check !

You may be right.

To recap, the application always does this when required:

1. Logon to Quotes

2. Get market data

3. Log out of Quotes

4. Close the Quotes socket

It does this periodically, so that there is reasonable continuity of prices. It *usually* works well, and very fast.

But the application might be closing the Quotes socket too soon after sending the logout message, thus the logout *might* not be getting through, and the session might remain logged in, as you suggest. I will change the implementation to use a delay after sending the Logout(5) message, and see what happens.

Thanks again.



30 May 2019, 14:06

FIX available host jumps from h55.* to h33.* and back without warning

Thanks for your info and suggestion.

About 1 hour after my last post, I got this report from the FIX trading application, which might help:

Logging Into Quotes...
'Fx.logonsesn()': 'Fix.decmsg': Empty Response Stream

The problem persisted on re-try a number of times.

The host this time was:

The date stamp is UTC, so this may shed light on the problem.


P.S. The problem was then solved by going back again to host "", as before (!)

