
Username: douglascvas
Member since: 02 Jan 2018
Last login: 13 Apr 2023
Status: Active


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douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 1 year ago

@Itmfar you can access the "fractalServices" field in the indicator.

It contains a list of FractalServices, one per timeframe you selected.

Using the FractalService you can access the last fractal using the field "lastFractal" and from there traverse to the previous ones using "previousFractal" or "nextFractal"

Take a look at the source code in github 

douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 5 years ago

Sorry @Mario, I haven't been receiving notifications of comments in this page.

For your question

amazing stuff.. is there however a way to get the last 2 fractals from the same side in a programmable way (like as a vlaue (index number) ? 

Yes there is. You can use the function getPreviousOfSameSide()

Fractal lastFractal = fractalService.lastFractal;

Fractal prevFractal1 = lastFractal.getPreviousOfSameSide()

Fractal prevFractal2 = prevFractal1.getPreviousOfSameSide()

douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 5 years ago

w.b.z feel free to use it as you wish. Consider it under MIT license.

douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 6 years ago

Have you set the path to the sound file? Does the file really exist? Which format is it? .wav?

douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 6 years ago

I have just added support for sound and email notifications Astroke

douglascvas's avatar
douglascvas · 6 years ago

Thanks limeline13, I've added support for changing the tickness and color of lines.


