Thank you for quick respond. I sorry for provide little information. I work in Purple Technology company in Brno so we are broker and we have permission for cBroker.
How i wrote in previous message, our App collect data about all our clients and put them in out internal database where are data from another platforms as well which we use (MT4, MT5).
OAuth is not good solution according to my knowledge because i would need know credetials (login, password) of all our clients to get token but i don't know them. Or is it here some super permission?
02 Oct 2017, 11:27
Hi Panagiotis,
Thank you for quick respond. I sorry for provide little information. I work in Purple Technology company in Brno so we are broker and we have permission for cBroker.
How i wrote in previous message, our App collect data about all our clients and put them in out internal database where are data from another platforms as well which we use (MT4, MT5).
OAuth is not good solution according to my knowledge because i would need know credetials (login, password) of all our clients to get token but i don't know them. Or is it here some super permission?
Best Regards