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26 Sep 2017, 16:53


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi George,

Spotware has given an answer to the original post. Please let me know what points of the discussion are not covered and which questions remain unanswered so I can elaborate.

Best Regards


The below comments have not been answered.

i question the point made by the Spotware rep, which is valid ONLY IF the said counterparty is not one of the major LPs.  what i mean is this:

all LPs in the following categories:  Tier 1 and Tier 2 banks, major quantitative funds and hedge funds, institutional ECNs, major PBs and PoPs all have a presence in both NY and London at the very least (most will also have a presence in Tokyo); further, all institutional aggregators and ECNs such as Integral, Currenex, EBS, FXAll, HotSpotFX, FastMatch, BARX FX, ParFX,  GAIN GTX, FXSpotStream, etc, will have a connectivity presence in all major Equinix data centers: NY, London, and Tokyo.

so i do not understand why a retail client's order should get matched to a counterparty in NY if the order is issued on the London server. that would be extremely poor routing when all the necessary liquidity is already there available at Equinix London.

and then you have the problem of last-look. but that only applies for orders larger than 100M notional on the majors.  there is huge and thus plenty of liquidity to execute against at volume levels from 10K to 100M on all majors. so last-look should not be a cause of execution delays for the average retail size order.

to conclude:  here's an interesting fact:  trading from the East coast of North America with Darwinex who only has server at Equinix London data center, the execution remains consistently stable at around 100ms when orders are filled on the LMAX MTF. LMAX enforces a no-last-look policy.  

so, Spotware rep, could you please comment on this?
26 Sep 2017, 00:54

I find it worrying that nobody from Spotware has replied to the above comments yet....

For me personally, I won't be using cTrader until I get these answers.