
Username: w.b.z
Member since: 14 Sep 2017
Last login: 21 Sep 2023
Status: Active


Where Created Comments
Algorithms 0 3
Forum Topics 5 7
Jobs 1 0

Last Algorithm Comments

w.b.z · 1 year ago

Hi dhnhuy,

Thanks for all your great work and Discriptions!

One Question:

In the code you added:

using LittleTrader;
using LittleTrader.Models.PriceActions;

are those your selfmade references?

I have errors building you codes.

Please tell me how to get all you GREAT work to compile withou errors.


w.b.z · 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the work, can you please make it posible to get Data from another timeframe, that would be great. I can not get it to work

w.b.z · 6 years ago

Hi douglascvas

i would like to use youre fractal code for a new bot of mine, please send me youre terms & conditions, I might sell the bot later on.. if it works as expected.
