
23 Oct 2019, 09:15 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

You can disable auto formatting in code editor using this setting:


03 Aug 2019, 11:39

Try this indicator


26 Jul 2019, 16:38 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

I don't know what for, but here you are. Analog clock on the chart




01 May 2019, 09:21


It works in backtesting with 

ModifyPosition(position, newVolume);



22 Apr 2019, 09:10


var line = Chart.DrawHorizontalLine("my line", Symbol.Bid, Color.Red);
line.IsInteractive = true;


07 Mar 2019, 14:16

Btw there is a bug in API. When a new object is added to a chart bot receive hover event and object is null in the event args.

So you need to check a null check in the example above.


07 Mar 2019, 14:04


lec0456 said:

I would like to have some text appear on the chart when the mouse rolls over a chart object such as a Chart.DrawVerticalLine.

Is there a way to program this behavior?

Basically, I would think that there is some sort of event that couls be triggered to display a box of text.

The indicators do this by default now.  When you rollover a chart object it displays a small popup that has the name of the indicator, its settings and its current value.

protected override void OnStart()
    Chart.ObjectHoverChanged += OnChartObjectHoverChanged;

void OnChartObjectHoverChanged(ChartObjectHoverChangedEventArgs obj)
    if (obj.IsObjectHovered)
        Chart.DrawStaticText("hoverText", obj.ChartObject.Name, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Left, Chart.ColorSettings.ForegroundColor);



25 Feb 2019, 10:56

You can try to tweak your fitness function. Genetic optimization stops when there are no improvements after several iterations (fitness function return the same result). Which means you stuck at the local maximum.

Ideally it would be good to have a sim running on top 10 fitness bots infinately till stopped. (Trying to find better settings).

Don't do this, you will quickly find a local maximum without exploring other possibly more profitable areas.



Here is a very good video lecture from MIT about Genetic Algorithms.

Besides explaining how GA works, it shows simple examples of how you can stuck on a local maximum without exploring the whole area of possible outcomes.



14 Feb 2019, 12:19


ctid863631 said:

Hi Bart,
Thanks for your help. do you also know what the buttons mean? been looking alover for it but no result.

This panel is for working with UI elements while developing WPF or other UI applications: selecting element, change its properties etc.

You can read about it here:


14 Feb 2019, 12:04

This panel added by Visual Studio while debugging. You can remove it by unchecking 'Show runtime tools in application' in Options -> Debugging -> General


13 Feb 2019, 09:45

It works for me. Maybe you have a white background on the chart?

Default color text is white, try to add some color:

ChartObjects.DrawText("Sample Text", "Sample Text", StaticPosition.TopRight, Colors.Red);



11 Feb 2019, 16:35

Take a look at

It's a .Net port of a well known open source QuikFix engine:



05 Feb 2019, 10:56

Chart.FindAllObjects<ChartHorizontalLine>() is a generic method that returns ChartHorizontalLine[]. Seems it is better to use that, you don't need a cast there.


04 Feb 2019, 09:33


So I need to query by cBot  where the trendline stays (price) at the specified time or bar

CalculateY is doing exactly that. 

From your screenshot, I assume that you might use horizontal lines. ChartHorizontalLine interface has Y property that doesn't change from bar to bar.

var lines = Chart.FindAllObjects<ChartHorizontalLine>();
foreach(var line in lines)



02 Feb 2019, 15:10



02 Feb 2019, 15:03

CalculetY is a method of ChartTrendLine interface:

var line = Chart.DrawTrendLine(...);
var price = CalculateY(someBarIndexOrTime);

Here is an example for drawing icon on each bar along with a trend line:

var line = Chart.DrawTrendLine("line", Chart.BarsTotal - 21, MarketSeries.High.Last(20), Chart.BarsTotal - 1, MarketSeries.High.Last(0), Color.Red);
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(-5, 30))
    var barIndex = Chart.BarsTotal - i;
    var price = line.CalculateY(barIndex);
    Chart.DrawIcon("icon" + i.ToString(), ChartIconType.Circle, barIndex, price, "#80FFFFFF");



23 Nov 2018, 09:58


stajefala said:

Never mind, the objects are "semi transparent" this code only changes if its fully transparent.. not the first time a cTrader update has caused so much pain!
I´ll just refix everything manually.

For semi transparent objects you can change line 17 to

var transparentObjects = Chart.Objects.Where(o => GetObjectColor(o).A < 255).ToList();

You need to run this cBot on every chart where you have transparent objects.


22 Nov 2018, 18:42


stajefala said:

Sorry but i have no idea on how to build, i just tried building it for 30mins.. could not figure it out.

  1. Go to Automate
  2. Create new cBot
  3. Replace all the text in code editor with example from above
  4. Build it

Then you can add this cBot to the chart with transparent objects and run it. Logs will have some info:
22/11/2018 15:51:47.321 | cBot "New cBot" was started successfully for EURUSD, h1.
22/11/2018 15:51:47.477 | 3 objects on the chart
22/11/2018 15:51:47.477 | 2 objects with transparent color
22/11/2018 15:51:47.477 | Colors fixed



22 Nov 2018, 17:52

Try this code, it changes alpha channel for all transparent chart objects from 0 to 255:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class NewcBot : Robot
        protected override void OnStart()
            Print("{0} objects on the chart", Chart.Objects.Count);
            var transparentObjects = Chart.Objects.Where(o => GetObjectColor(o).A == 0).ToList();
            Print("{0} objects with transparent color", transparentObjects.Count);
            if (transparentObjects.Any())
                Print("Colors fixed");

        private void FixTransparentObjects(List<ChartObject> transparentObjects)
            foreach (var obj in transparentObjects)
                var transparentColor = GetObjectColor(obj);
                var normalColor = Color.FromArgb(255, transparentColor);
                SetObjectColor(obj, normalColor);

        private Color GetObjectColor(ChartObject obj)
            return (Color)obj.GetType().GetProperty("Color").GetValue(obj, null);

        private void SetObjectColor(ChartObject obj, Color color)
            obj.GetType().GetProperty("Color").SetValue(obj, color, null);



03 Aug 2017, 11:56

After ClosePosition executed, Position.Pips is updated and have actual result. So you need to calculate close price using position.EntryPrice and position.Pips:

private double GetPositionClosePrice(Position position)
    var symbol = MarketData.GetSymbol(position.SymbolCode);
    var closePrice = position.EntryPrice + position.Pips * symbol.PipSize * (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? 1 : -1);
    return closePrice;
