27 Jun 2018, 21:31
28 Aug 2017, 18:39
18 Aug 2017, 13:17

22 Jun 2018, 20:53

What you ask for is not clear.


but if you want martingale to check if last trade was lose then use "History"



var p= History.FindLast("Label",Symbol);
var isLose = (p != null && p.Pips<0);

// do something



29 May 2018, 19:24

for me the 3.0 is more light than 2.x

and used less ram than before


29 May 2018, 18:55

im calgo coder and i liked the new version two in one. also i liked the new API need to test them more later

problems i see in calgo is if you have too much cbot/indicator projects this will slow down and take more RAM

because every project have its own/chart window

you can make it more light with single chart window and when someone switch project load the new chart?

thanks for the update and keep it up.






28 Aug 2017, 18:47

oh sorry the bug is in my eyes .. i didnt sort it correctly by closing time ..

you can please close this topic ..


09 Aug 2017, 08:38

 var DailyOpen = Daily.OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(MarketSeries.OpenTime[0]);

this line used index 0 for OpenTime

index 0 means first bar in history of your TimeFrame


you need to use last index or before last  -> here i use last one not current open one

var DailyOpen = Daily.OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(1));

 for current open bar use 0: 


if you want  to see is last bar a Green or Red bar 

Close - Open = +1 or -1

var dframe=MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily);
if(dframe.Close.Last(1)-dframe.Open.Last(1) > 0)
 // last Daily Bar is Green
 // last Daily Bar is Red

do your tests




03 Aug 2017, 00:37

i see there is no option for closingPrice .. but here is a way give you the close or "near" close price

Change = pips * Symbol.PipSize , so the 5pips will be 0.0005 based on symbol

if trade is sell:  reverse the Change like this: Change = ( Change - ( Change * 2 ) ) 

EntryPrice + Change = ClosePrice

Code For Test:

var entryPrice = position.EntryPrice;
var change = (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? position.Pips : position.Pips - (position.Pips * 2)) * Symbol.PipSize;
var closePrice = entryPrice + change;
Print(entryPrice.ToString("0.0000") + " " + change.ToString("0.0000") + " " + closePrice.ToString("0.0000"));


GL ..
