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08 Jun 2023, 18:01 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: RE: I understand, I expressed myself wrong, what I really need is to capture the average value with a displacement of 1. How can I do this?

firemyst said:

jalmir.coelho@gmail.com said:


To load a Exponencial Average mean i use: 

Result = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(Source, 8);

How make to load a Exponencial Average with STANDART DESVIATION according to next image?


First, the "Shift" parameter has nothing to do with Standard deviation. The Shift parameter moves the results of the EMA either forward or backwards along the X-axis on the chart.

If you want a standard deviation, use either the standard deviation indicator, or the Bollinger Bands indicator. Both are located under the "Volatility" indicator submenu.




23 Mar 2023, 01:19

Same problem
In this version of ctrader I am not able to connect mysql either.
I have the same problem


08 Jan 2018, 17:31


thank you


27 Nov 2017, 22:37 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi jalmir.coelho@gmail.com,

You can close loop and close positions based on certain conditions as below.

            foreach (var position in Positions)
                //Put here any condition required to close the position
                if (position.Pips < -1)

If you need access to historical trades, use the History collection.

Let me know if the above information helps.

Best Regards,


How to close only the highlighted blue order using your id?

how to get the value of pips (-1.7) and apply to a variable?
Do you have an example?



07 Sep 2017, 14:55


jalmir.coelho@gmail.com said:

how to create an order without stoploss, only with takeprofit?



03 Aug 2017, 14:34


Spotware said:


Thank you for your response, however, I would like to know how to apply the average on the indicator on balance volume?



Dear jalmir.coelho@gmail.com,

Thanks for posting in the forum. You can call these indicators from your cBot and check whenever they cross each other. Check our example cBots (e.g. Sample Trend cBot) to see how to access an indicator from a cBot. Also the following functions might be helpful for you



Best Regards,

cTrader Team



03 Aug 2017, 02:00 ( Updated at: 03 Aug 2017, 11:54 )

I would like help creating a robot with two exponential moving averages linked to the indicator on balance volume. When the blue average crosses above the yellow the buying signal is generated and when the blue average crosses below the yellow the sell signal is generated.

I need to capture the signal from the two moving average within the On Balance Volume

Follow the image to clarify the functionality.imagem
