05 May 2017, 09:25


park said:

I have the same issue as well. I sent this to Pepperstone support so assume the Spotware also have it.

1. No Alerts that I create actually fire to alert me. Nor are they removed once price has crossed the alert line.

2. SOMETIMES I can create alerts. This part is not as specific but I can seem to create an alert that is a long way from current price if it previously fails closer to rice. However, even if an alert is created and price does cross the alert alert, it does not alert me and the alert stays on screen and is not removed. 

3. If I can only create an alert a long way from price and I try to move the alert closer to current price by using drag and drop I get the error again and the alert is not moved.

4. Sometimes the alert line is only shown when I mouse over the actual line area.

This affects my trading and has increased my workload as my methodology relies on alerts which was why I chose cTrader.



I have all of the issues you have described very well above. This is a pretty serious issue and looks like it is only affecing Pepperstone users currently.

Is anyone from Spotware looking into this?
04 May 2017, 19:27

Yeah works on demo. I had a chat with Pepperstone support, they said they will open a ticket with cTrader to look into it. I suggest you do the same. More people complaining the better. I rely on alerts too and have missed a few trades because of this issue.