21 Apr 2017, 16:14

24 Apr 2017, 11:28


#EOL said:

Sinse you can see in cTrader all the trades made via FIX and vice versa, I think all the trades are processing in the same kind in the same place. As for me, the only advantage of using FIX instead of cAlgo is that it could be done without any graphical UI, thus, consume less VPS resources.


Regarding the quotes: it's still the same platform and the same trading account, so you will get the same spots and standard DoM quotes


Regarding "Spot Market Data Request": you can send only one Market Data Request per symbol. Once you sent it you will begin to receive realtime spot quotes and all the next subscription requests will be rejected. If there is any restrictions on the request frequency you need to use another button to find it


Regarding multiple connections: I was able to make aroud 10 simultaneous connection for a single account. If there is a limitation, it's greater than 10

Thank you for your response.

So have you noticed any difference in internal broker latency when trading with cTrader/cAlgo and cTrader/FIX? I was asking brokers about the difference in order processing time. They tend to say that in terms of their internal latency FIX is no better than regular cTrader execution. Could you confirm it?

And what is the latency I should expect when trading with cTrader/FIX (or just cTrader/cAlgo) on live account?


21 Apr 2017, 20:55

Also I would like to know how many connections to the FIX API server are allowed per account?


21 Apr 2017, 20:32

I was also playing with FIX-API-Sample program and noticed that by clicking too many times "Spot Market Data Request" i eventually get an error:

8=FIX.4.49=19235=j34=449=cServer50=QUOTE52=20170421-17:29:23.87456=icmarkets.326935757=QUOTE58=UNKNOWN_ERROR:Error while performing operation. ClientRequestId = EURUSD:WDqsoT379=EURUSD:WDqsoT380=010=213

Does that mean that frequent requests are not allowed? (btw, the broker i'm using is IC Markets)

Or is it the broker who is restricting too frequent requests?
