03 Jan 2025, 02:43
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back
firemyst said:
davidrob said:
The procedure seems to be working. Interesting comments, thanks. I know what you mean about keeping SL,TP, and even pending orders out of the market's eye. Your comment raises some interesting thoughts and prompts me to ask these questions:
Do you mean the cTrader cloud or any cloud such as a VPS? Can you not email notify from either?
A VPS isn't the same. Most VPS's actually have access to a full server, the desktop, drives for saving data, everything. It's called a virtual private server for a reason - you have all functionalities as if it's your own server :-)
Ok, thanks, the terminolgy in my question was not too good. Understand VPS as you describe, but would you consider a Vps to be in “the cloud”?
When you adjust a cTrader (Desktop) SL line as you mention above, this creates a SL value in the trade. Is this not registered on the market as an order? Meaning either cTrader or the broker administers it? I was never very comfortable about brokers seeing my SL levels either.
I didn't say cTrader Desktop SL line – I said “my own stoploss line”. So no, it's not registered on the cTrader servers - it's registered on my VPS. It's obviously dependent on my VPS having connectivity to the markets and since most are guaranteed to be up over 99% of the time, it's not too big a worry. I can drag/drop it like any line and it will be treated/executed as a SL line.
Ok on your SL lines… so I assume you wrote your own Bot which takes its value from the SL line, assume there is an event triggered when the line value changes which your bot responds to, and uses that value internally to watch the price, and issues the SL order when internally triggered ? Am I reading you correctly? Or perhaps you are setting the SL manually for individual trades on your VPS ?
As a safety net, just in case my VPS does lose connectivity, I put in another cTrader registered SL that's a random 300-500 pips further away (so nobody in the markets can figure out the logic between the orders).
Aahhh, thanks this comment, I have believed in a “Catastrophic SL” which trails price. Nice to have a confirmation. Your comments are really helpful.
31 Dec 2024, 10:36
( Updated at: 31 Dec 2024, 10:54 )
RE: RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back
firemyst said:
davidrob said:
firemyst said:
Where do I turn syncing off/on?
In the “Algo” section on the left menu. It'll be listed “Synchronisation enabled/disabled” under all the bots
Settings - Algo - Sync… got it…
Is the procedure I mention above the correct procedure? I must have deleted those darned bots in several places several times….
Thanks your help.
I don't know if that's the correct procedure or not, because I don't do any syncing. For me it's kind of pointless to run bots in the cloud since I like having email notifications, have my own “stop loss” line that I drag and drop (so the markets can't see my actual stop loss placements), etc etc.
The procedure seems to be working. Interesting comments, thanks. I know what you mean about keeping SL,TP, and even pending orders out of the market's eye. Your comment raises some interesting thoughts and prompts me to ask these questions:
Do you mean the cTrader cloud or any cloud such as a VPS? Can you not email notify from either?
When you adjust a cTrader (Desktop) SL line as you mention above, this creates a SL value in the trade. Is this not registered on the market as an order? Meaning either cTrader or the broker administers it? I was never very comfortable about brokers seeing my SL levels either.
31 Dec 2024, 10:33
RE: RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back
davidrob said:
firemyst said:
Where do I turn syncing off/on?
In the “Algo” section on the left menu. It'll be listed “Synchronisation enabled/disabled” under all the bots
Settings - Algo - Sync… got it…
Is the procedure I mention above the correct procedure? I must have deleted those darned bots in several places several times….
Thanks your help.
I don't know if that's the correct procedure or not, because I don't do any syncing. For me it's kind of pointless to run bots in the cloud since I like having email notifications, have my own “stop loss” line that I drag and drop (so the markets can't see my actual stop loss placements), etc etc.
31 Dec 2024, 03:45
( Updated at: 31 Dec 2024, 03:50 )
RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back
firemyst said:
Where do I turn syncing off/on?
In the “Algo” section on the left menu. It'll be listed “Synchronisation enabled/disabled” under all the bots
Settings - Algo - Sync… got it…
Is the procedure I mention above the correct procedure? I must have deleted those darned bots in several places several times….
Thanks your help.
17 Oct 2024, 21:48
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
I still need the information I asked for to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
Info attached - gees I was hoping I could attach a file containing all the info, but find that option not available above. Can I email it somehow?
You can send it to
Hi Panagiotis, the information was sent a few days ago. I will be keen to hear the fix to the issue. Thanks.
17 Oct 2024, 21:46
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
I still need the information I asked for to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
Info attached - gees I was hoping I could attach a file containing all the info, but find that option not available above. Can I email it somehow?
You can send it to
17 Oct 2024, 21:45
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
I still need the information I asked for to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
Info attached - gees I was hoping I could attach a file containing all the info, but find that option not available above. Can I email it somehow?
You can send it to
10 Oct 2024, 22:36
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
I still need the information I asked for to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
Info attached - gees I was hoping I could attach a file containing all the info, but find that option not available above. Can I email it somehow?
10 Oct 2024, 22:36
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
I still need the information I asked for to reproduce the problem.
Best regards,
Info attached - gees I was hoping I could attach a file containing all the info, but find that option not available above. Can I email it somehow?
10 Oct 2024, 11:36
( Updated at: 10 Oct 2024, 11:41 )
RE: RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Sorry somehow I stuffed up the forum formatting… Arghhh… Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently. I am running BlackBull v (JUMP to the conclusion at the bottom if the whole process (most likely) bores you.
All tests were on the EURUSD.
- I tried a new bot, RSI Sample, and carefully made my tests. All worked perfectly.
- I went back to my original bot, "Macd & Rsi Strategy", deleted it and reinstalled. Changed no parms.
- Set the BackTest (BT) date parms… 01/09/2024 - 09/10/2024.
- Ran BT, checked to make sure no open positions. Profit(P) = 201.36
- Setup Optimisation (OPT) set dates again, unticked ALL parms, set TimeFrame(TF) to h1;h4,
- Ran OPT, Ph1=201.36, Ph4=-204.52.
- Set OPT parms again, to m30;m45;h1. Checked my dates again, and ran. Chose the m45 OPT line (P=-894.90) clicked APPLY.
- Noted correct change in left panel instance.
- Ran BT : Pm45=-786.98. Aha…. DIFFERENT.
- Compared the BT/OPT trade lists, and the number of trades varied, one was 17, one was 18 (both no open pos's), and the last two trades opentimes, etc were all different. Nearl;y all the parms did not match. It's like that run used a different time window, or different source parms. I also noted several of the openTimes in the OPT list were all set to 00:00:00.
- From the OPT lines, I APPLIED and BT'd the h1 timeframe… same as always…. 201.36.
- I tried OPT on several values.. m30;m45;h1;h2;h3;h4. The m45 reported the correct matching BT value: Pm45=-786.98. Selected it - APPLY - BT - P=-786.98. Perfect.
- I thought WTF? This is a prick of a bug. Must be the combination of values… M30;m45;h1. OPT'd them and all was perfect.
- So I went back to the beginning, deleted the bot, closed CTrader, reopened it, reinstalled.
- Setup the same tests… BT- set dates. (I noticed the remembered FROM date was 09/09/2024, not 01/09/2024. The remembered end date was correct at 09/10/2024.
- Reset the BT start date, ran the BT - Ph1=201.36 same so far.
- OPT - Noted same date issue, fixed that, set OPT values to h1;h4, and ran. Ph1 = 201.36, Ph4= -204.52. matches for all my tests.
- OPT - set TF values to m30;m45,h1. Ran again, m30 and h1 P values same as along. m45 value was the bum value… -894.90.
- Subsequent OPT's and the bum value remains.
- I'm tired but I just had a thought…. Set the left panel timeframe to h1 and run an OPT with the TF parms set to m30;m45,h1.
- Now, Set the left panel timeframe to m45 and run the same OPT… and you get the correct value!
- One more test… set the left panel timeframe to m45, run, set it to m20 and run again… the same OPT… all P values are correct.
- Set the left panel to h1, OPT again, and the Pm45 value of -894.90 is wrong.
- CONCLUSION: the bug has to do with the OPT TimeFrame combo of m30;m45,h1, and the left panel setting of h1.
- Hope that helps!
10 Oct 2024, 10:27
RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently.
10 Oct 2024, 10:27
RE: RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
davidrob said:
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
Ok, another couple of hours and I managed to reproduce the issue. I am sure it is a bug (I am a programmer myself). Two solid pages of notes in fine print… I will try to best explain it, maybe you can reproduce it. I am old to debugging, but new to forums, so please advise if I should do something differently.
10 Oct 2024, 04:20
( Updated at: 10 Oct 2024, 06:52 )
RE: Macd RSI Strategy - Blank notification window
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
In order to assist you with this issue we need the cBot's source code and steps to reproduce this behavior.
Best regards,
Hi, Out of the blue, I received a proper message. I have no idea what changed.
Thanks for being there.
10 Oct 2024, 03:56
( Updated at: 10 Oct 2024, 06:52 )
RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
10 Oct 2024, 03:56
( Updated at: 10 Oct 2024, 06:52 )
RE: Backtester/Optimiser not matching with same parameters
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Make sure that the backtesting settings are the same. 99% of the times it happened this to me it was caused by some oversight in my backtesing settings. If there is still a problem, then we will need to following information in order to reproduce the problem
- cBot code
- Optimization parameters file, symbol, timeframe and dates
- The exact set of parameters for which the discrepancy is observed
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks your response, I will try a third evening to figure this issue out, starting from scratch on a different cBot, and report back.
03 Jan 2025, 06:35
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Deleting Sample Bots that keep coming back
firemyst said: