
18 May 2017, 04:14

Thanks, I really   appreciate your support.


18 May 2017, 00:18

Thanks for the reply,

OK, the data makes sense now, but what about the last trend bar, I always get one candle stick missing, the one that is still open and not closed yet.


12 May 2017, 00:54

Thanks for the reply,

I just checked prorealtime, but correct if I am wrong.

There is a huge difference between the software I am working on (cLinx) and prorealtime.

prorealtime lets you create trading systems with dialog wizards, but the software I am working on, you can create trading bots with drag and drop, and it allows you to add extensions and blugins using Python, JavaScript and C++, where you can add new custom blocks and extend the software.

The strategy beocmes more interactive and animated.


27 Mar 2017, 02:16


I tried both your C# and nodejs examples, and it worked fine, but I still get the same error message from C++ and Python, I am not sure if I am doing this right.

Here is the Python code.

from OpenApiMessages_pb2 import *
from OpenApiModelMessages_pb2 import *
import struct

autReq = ProtoOAAuthReq()
autReq.payloadType = OA_AUTH_REQ
autReq.clientSecret = "49p1ynqfy7c4sw84gwoogwwsk8cocg8ow8gc8o80c0ws448cs4"
autReq.clientId = "7_5az7pj935owsss8kgokcco84wc8osk0g0gksow0ow4s4ocwwgc"

pack_2 = autReq.SerializeToString()
pack_1 = struct.pack('>I', len( pack_2 )  ) # the first part of the message is length

fullPacket = pack_1 + pack_2
print( fullPacket )

# Get hexadecimal bytes
bytes = " ".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in fullPacket )
print( bytes.upper() )

When I tried the C# code the right serialized message was like this ( in Hex ):


But my C++ and Python code generates a message like this:


You can see that the message bytes are almost identical except the 14 first bytes.

It would be great if you can take the time to check this.
