24 Oct 2017, 13:38
21 Feb 2017, 12:37

26 Feb 2017, 17:34


mindbreaker said:

!!!! Copy only users with Positions where Profit Average > 50 Pips per position !!!!

If you try copy strategy with small profits per position like ( < 50Pips on each position ) earn only broker and strategy provider !!!!

What about if they make $50 - $100 for one trade, but one trade is only 4 pips. Will that work well for me?


24 Feb 2017, 16:39

RE: RE: Clarification

Spotware said:

Hi Brad,

The reason for the difference in profits is because of the closing price of your position. It is different to your strategy provider which is how they ended up in profit and you did not. This is an expected behavior of the real forex market because prices are changing all the time and very fast. For the future you can compare the prices your orders are executed at (they are shown in the "history" section of your cTrader platform) against those of your strategy provider (they are shown in the "history" section of their strategy profile). So all of this information is easily available. 

You sold 5000 NZDUSD @ 0.71526. This was your opening position. 

Then you bought 5000 NZDUSD @ 0.71538. This closed your position. 

This resulted in a loss of 1.2 Pips. The Pip value of NZDUSD is $0.50. 1.2x$0.50= $0.60 

Your commission to the strategy provider was 0.08 GBP. 

Your loss is easily explained by the above facts.

Your strategy providers position was not only profitable but also 20 times larger.

This difference in prices is obviously discouraging, something you have to bare in mind is this could happen both ways, your positions could be more than your strategy provider. 

Hope this helps. 


Ok. I thought this platform allowed my to copy the trades of the provider, but if all of the trades i'm 'copying' end up with a completely different entry / exit prices and result (profit for them, loss for me), I don't think it will be of any use for me.

Thanks for the help


21 Feb 2017, 21:56


lucian said:


You don't. But, different brokers, different spreads. Different Entry Price and different Exit Price.


So this platform is basically useless then?


lucian said:


" Commission is $15 per mil, they traded 240k" 

Are commissions calculated per side or round trip?

Signal Provider’s commissions are calculated per side, so if they charge 10 USD per million and you mirror a trade for 1 million USDJPY you will pay to your Signal Provider 10 USD on opening the position and 10 USD on closing the position.

You pay $30 per mil.

"Same Account currency ? How do I know?". 

Please more attention. This information is available

I cannot understand anything that you're saying and English is my first language.


21 Feb 2017, 20:30


lucian said:

Please provide more details:

Same Broker ? I can't see who their broker is

Mirroring comision 0 ? Commission is $15 per mil, they traded 240k

Same Account currency ? How do I know?

100 % percent copy ? No it's at 10%

One single trade ? Yes







21 Feb 2017, 13:09


GoldnOil1050 said:

Hi Spotware,


thank you.  Its ok.  it will be great if you can have A LIVE RSS or COMMENTS FROM SPOTWARE running on your CTDN homepage where any technical news is shared and Traders cna click on it to see more details.

This is so unreliable that for a whole one week no trades are being copied.  I am using IC Markets as a Broker.


Thank you.


Are you still having the issue of no trades being copied? Because I am not getting any copied trades from the traders that i'm mirroring

