
27 Jan 2017, 09:02

To late to reply but, if you still having this trouble, then use OpenTime for the current bar and save it in a variable. On every tick compare open time, if its changed, its your new bar.


27 Jan 2017, 08:56


ctid256802 said:


I've got the following question/problem. I'm developing indicators which reference my web communication library - i.e. MyConnect.dll, which on it's turn references couple of other libraries - i.e. A.dll, B.dll, C.dll etc.

So it looks like this

Indicator -> MyConnect.dll -> [A.dll, B.dll, C.dll]

When I'm adding only MyConnect.dll to indicator's references everything compiles just fine. BUT! When trying to create an instance I'm getting the errors like "A.dll cannot be found" etc. So eventually I'm having all DLL-s are added to the indicator's references. So now it's working but the size of algo-file is big - 600K! Why is it so and how it can be decreased?


Sorry if its too late for this but I'll answer it anyway. The size of algo file is big is because, when all files are compiled in algo file(which is a complete package), compiler put all referenced dlls into one single package - algo file.
