07 Jul 2024, 12:08

25 Oct 2024, 23:05

Renko Wicks!

Yes, we need Renko Wicks! please! 


08 Jul 2024, 06:22 ( Updated at: 09 Jul 2024, 05:40 )

RE: Crossover

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

This setup is not supported by Spotware. Either use cTrader for Mac or run cTrader on a Windows machine.

Best regards,


The whole point of my post is that I don't want to do either of those things. 

cTrader Mac is not even fully developed at this point and is also not supported by my broker.

I am seriously concerned about the security risk of a windows machine. I would very much prefer to run on my Mac where I am reasonably secure

I get that running on crossover is not supported but I was hoping that you could at least say if it can run on Crossover or not.
