03 Feb 2016, 23:21
19 Nov 2015, 09:18
16 Jul 2015, 23:25
26 Feb 2015, 21:20
11 Sep 2014, 22:30
30 Aug 2014, 16:51
22 Aug 2014, 18:05
20 Aug 2014, 12:30
14 Jul 2014, 12:48
16 Jun 2014, 00:39
22 May 2014, 16:17
29 Mar 2014, 15:41
27 Jan 2014, 08:20
09 Jan 2014, 00:35
22 Nov 2013, 00:51

27 Nov 2012, 14:50

OK, thanks!

Can I maybe download an older version somehow, until solution will available? 

Thanks for your help!


26 Nov 2012, 16:55

You will faced with this problem, if you use "Indicators.Getindicator<>();" This means reference inicator. And this issue effects only backtesting function, not Robots.


26 Nov 2012, 12:11

I know, you work hard for solve this issue... I just want to inquire about what to expected, days, weeks? What is your estimation? 

Thanks, and sorry for disturbing


21 Nov 2012, 18:44

RE: backtest stopped
Uche said:

Hello admin

I noticed that the backtest has stopped showing trades since the update yesterday.

Robot woeks fine,but the backtest stopped.



See more detailes here: /forum/cbot-support/179


21 Nov 2012, 14:26

Hello Admin,

I would just like to inquire when expected the solution of backtest issue?

Thanks for your help!


20 Nov 2012, 17:55 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

One other comment... 

If I remove "using cAlgo.Indicators;" from robot code and press "Build Robot" button then an error message come. It said "Maybe one using directive is missing" or something like that. (sorry for translation) So, this is the reason why I think it is important is case of reference indicators. Or not?

see below:


20 Nov 2012, 17:03 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

OK, durring I used cAlgo 1.0.16 all backtest ran normally. There was a lot of trade in result table and on balance/equity chart.

Now, I received new version 1.0.18 (yesterday evening) I wanted to run backtest again, but the result contains only one trade, see below:

I didn't change anything in code of robot and reference indicator between two version 1.0.16 and 1.0.18.


19 Nov 2012, 15:33

Currently I use FxPro UK cAlgo ver. 1.0.16, but previously I tried FxPro cAlgo (not UK), and also tried Spotware cAlgo... but more or less with similar result. Maybe Spotware cAlgo was little better. I didn’t know that is relevant which version of cAlgo is running on my computer… Is it relevant? Which one you recommend?

And no, I don’t logged in to two different instances of cAlgo with the same account at the same time. But, as I mentioned previously I tried all version of cAlgo (UK, Spotware, not UK) then each version I logged in.


14 Nov 2012, 18:07

admin said:

You only need to build it once when you have completed coding. After that all you need to do to load it, is to add an instance. Then the indicator should be loaded in a very short time. You do not need to build it every time you want to load it to the chart.


I understand and trust me, I do not build it every time. But what you wrote down dosen't eliminate the cause, only a temporary solution to.
I just wanted to know what is the reason for this. Because if you use the above-mentioned code in a robot like this:
     protected override void OnBar() 

    int index = MarketSeries.Close.Count-2;

    if(_dms.DIPlus[index] > _dms.DIMinus[index])
    Trade.CreateBuyMarketOrder(Symbol, Volume);
    if(_dms.DIPlus[index] < _dms.DIMinus[index])
    Trade.CreateSellMarketOrder(Symbol, Volume);
In this case the execution of robot is totally crashed!!! I need to restart the program, or all orders has error message : "technical error"
So, please investigate this Directional Movement System indicator, because this is useless.


14 Nov 2012, 13:52

Thanks for your help, it works!


14 Nov 2012, 13:22

admin said:

Your code is actually loading fast. Nowhere close to 28 seconds. Could you test it for instance on EURUSD and see if the loading time is still slow? It could be that the symbol you are using has more historical trendbars and it takes longer to calculate.



Unfortunately, still the same slow! 28 seconds, nothing has changed...
If I remove this part "& _dms.DIPlus[index] > _dms.DIMinus[index]) " from code, then again 1 second :-)
If I add this part "& _dms.DIPlus[index] > _dms.DIMinus[index]) " to code, then 28 seconds... I dont understand why!


13 Nov 2012, 18:32

Hello Admin,

Have you got any new information about this issue?



13 Nov 2012, 13:12

admin said:

We mean for the cAlgo platform for instance "Spotware cAlgo". You may find this in Help->About.




I use "FxPro cAlgo" (not UK version) version nr: 1.0.429. 


13 Nov 2012, 12:14

What do you mean "environment"? You mean hardware, softwer version, network, location setup? Please clarifies this.


12 Nov 2012, 11:55

Hello Admin,

I solved most of the problem. I've only one open question.

How can I add column: Event (CreatePosition, TakeProfitHit, etc...)

Thanks for your help!


07 Nov 2012, 13:13 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


I try to visualize the issue on screeshot below:


You find the differece in row 26, if you copy the code back into cAlgo.

1. case : I dosen't use DMS as condition (1 sec)

     if(MarketSeries.Open[index] < MarketSeries.Close[index]) // & _dms.DIPlus[index] > _dms.DIMinus[index]) 

2. case: I use DMS as condition (28 sec)

    if(MarketSeries.Open[index] < MarketSeries.Close[index] & _dms.DIPlus[index] > _dms.DIMinus[index]) 


Thanks for your help! 


07 Nov 2012, 12:55

Yes, it helps for me.

1, remove instance

2, restart cAlgo,

3, add instance.

It solved the issue.


07 Nov 2012, 11:58

GBPNZD, USD Account.


06 Nov 2012, 18:48 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Same for me... the error message is this:

But restart dosn't solve the problem. Please investigate it.



06 Nov 2012, 15:17 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


Thanks for your answer!

But, as I mentioned this is a very important index-number in a risk management point of view. So, I would like to know what is the measure of the decline, from a historical peak (when I reached a new higher-high in account balance)

see below the last bold arrow on picture:

If it’s possible please implement it into the backtest result table.

Thanks for your help!
