20 Feb 2019, 11:07

23 Feb 2019, 13:24

Andrey - With the risk of appearing somewhat dim, your explanation went completely over my head, so I imagine I may not be the only one. Maybe GoldnOil [aka SKhan] who asked the original question related to processor architecture probably has a better understanding of your reply in which case I'm sure he appreciates the answer.

From my perspective the foundation of what he is trying to get across is that the cTrader platform for the average trader when compared to MT4 appears to have some basic performance issues when loaded with setups that MT4 doesn't even break a sweat over. His aim I believe is to try and suggest that it would be a better idea to focus more time and resources on improving cTrader in this regard rather than constantly tweaking the UI i.e. performance first, functionality and UI second. A delicate balancing act I know as you can please some people some of the time, but not everyone all of the time. 

I do note that you pointed out that some serious modifications have been made to the in house performance testing procedures recently which is great news. So far I have personally noticed much improvement with v3.3 when compared to v3.0 but I've only been using it for a week, so my experiences described here are mainly related to V3.0. If my first impressions with the latest version are an indication of further improvements to come then you are moving in the right direction.

I don't use MT4 on my live account as I much prefer the UI of cTrader, but when I read SKhan's original post it immediately stuck a chord with my own experience of cTrader v3.0 and earlier. As an example some time ago I can recall having over 20 charts open on MT4 when I was experimenting with a Renko bar system which required two screens open for each pair I was monitoring. On another occasion I had around 12 to 14 pairs open on MT4 with an early signal EA running independently on every screen. Not once did I experience the freezing, hanging or data delays that I experienced on cTrader with a setup of far less complexity.  I can recall that on some occasions which were more frequent than I care to admit, I'd actually be locked out of my screens when important news was released and the only way I could get functionality again would be to hit CTRL ALT DELETE, bring up the task manager, end the process, then reload cTrader afresh. Clearly not an ideal situation to find yourself in with a live account. Was this a market issue, a broker issue, a platform issue? Can't say for certain but I didn't experience any of this on MT4.

The other point here which is very difficult for individual users like myself to ascertain is how common are these problems? No disrespect intended but clearly it wouldn't be in Spotwares or the brokers interest to fully disclose the stats if the numbers were high. Not saying they are high, just saying apart from reading other posts on forums such as this can we the users actually get an idea on the extent of the problem.

To round up, the reasons for my comments are that I wished to add a little weight to the original posters observations as I had experienced something almost identical. However unlike GoldnOil I don't wish to switch over to MT4 and will give cTrader [v3.3] more time, but I can understand his reasons for doing so.



22 Feb 2019, 11:40


ClickAlgo said:

Dear, Traders,

It looks like the culprit was the Market trading clock as mentioned by Conno123, this indicator has been updated and published if anyone wants an update just contact me directly at


Hi Paul Lee in Thailand here would appreaciate an update :-)


22 Feb 2019, 09:08

Could you take a look at the coding of indicator 687 trading clock. The lines disappeared on the Frankfurt open so I believe this maybe the cause. If you identify a problem let me know and I will get in touch with Paul Hayes at Click Algo and ask him to update his code.


21 Feb 2019, 23:42

Gold and Oil

I have to agree with you but my missing support and resistance lines were in the forefront of my mind this week. I have always run cTrader on very high end fast gaming machines. The last two being an Alienware Aurora R6 and my brand new R8 that I bought last week. Won't go into all the spec of each machine but both were and are powerful rigs.

I actually got in touch with FxPro customer support around Christmas to ask them if they were getting any reports from other clients about hanging, freezing and constant dropouts as like yourself this was becoming a major problem for me.  I had seen people posting such issues in various locations on the web but the FxPro help desk told me they hadn't received any similar reports so I left it at that. But I have to agree with you that I have also noticed [v3.0] cTrader was seemingly becoming increasingly resource hungry. One observation was that my CPU was often running at almost 100% when the app was running with the cooling fans kicking in which is something I don't often encounter even on games with ultra high graphics settings. I also have considered going over to MT4 but for the fact that I much prefer the cTrader UI I have stuck with it.

So far though v3.3 seems to have improved things for me on the performance front which I am thankful for apart from what now appears to be an incompatibility issue with one of the indicators I was using downloaded from the site.

I am also interested in spotwares reaction and comments on this issue.



21 Feb 2019, 22:44


Lines disappeared again late last night on some charts but remained on others and I also noticed something else. The template I use for my trading I'm also needing to keep resetting. The lines that remained were on a chart where my template wasn't loaded, whereas the lines that vanished where on charts where my template was loaded. Soooo I think I'm getting to the bottom of this now.

Apologies as after I noticed this I realised I do use some other indicators that I have become so used to them being there I forgot to list. I now believe it could be one of these that may be now conflicting with cTrader v3.3 but were fine running with v3.0. Another confirmation is that the reason the lines aren't also vanishing from my VPS cTrader is because while I have loaded a template using Heiken Ashi candles I haven't loaded the indicators listed below.

I'll now remove these from my desktop template and then add them back gradually to see which one is the culprit, or maybe you have already come across an issue with one of these in the past and can spot the problem quicker.





Regard Conno123


21 Feb 2019, 11:55

Apart from a couple of EMAs the only other indicator I use is Heiken Ashi candles, but I've been using them for years on all versions of cTrader and they are not linked to horizontal support/resistance lines.

Cbots I occasionally use two but once again nothing that is linked to horizontal S/R lines.

One is a very simple EA that I use to trail a stop following the 21 EMA once I am in a profit situation. Lines have gone missing even when this isn't loaded or running.

Second one is very new [last 48 hours] Click Algos Risk and Reward Chart Trading Tool [] which I'm planning on only using to open a trade then closing it. This EA also doesn't have any link to horizontal lines.

I've only just started trying it out yesterday, however lines were disappearing even before I purchased this EA, so linking this would be just clouding the issue unnecessarily but I understand on we need to eliminate possible causes.

As of this afternoon the bug hasn't reappeared yet on my home desktop [all lines from yesterday are still there so far] Plus I've checked my VPS cTrader and the lines are still there too.

I know it doesn't seem very likely but fingers crossed maybe the issue has corrected intself somehow? Leave it with me for the next couple of days and I will report back with an update.



20 Feb 2019, 16:34

Little bit more background info to use as a process of elimination.

I have been using cTrader for probably 6 years plus with FxPro so I am very familiar with its strentghs and foilbles. I have recently bought a new high end gaming machine approx 8 days ago [Alienware Aurora R8] and reinstalled cTrader V3.0 the very next day. All seemed to be as normal until FxPro released v3.3 to their clients a couple of days ago, so the disappearing chart lines have only started since then. I also have cTrader [v3.3] running on a Beeks VPS but yet again I only started this subscription yesterday and the bug was appearing 48 hours previously to using the VPS, so to me that eliminates that being any potential cause.

I have now placed the same type of horizontal S/R lines on the VPS cTrader to see if they also start vanishing, I'll get back to you on how that works out in due course.

I could always reinstall cTrader on my home desktop but considering I only installed v3.0 just over a week ago on my new machine and the latest v3.3 about 72 hours ago not sure if reinstalling will help. I'll wait a few more days and see if the problem is mirrored on the VPS copy of cTrader and also see if you have any more ideas.

Regards Conno123


20 Feb 2019, 15:37


Ok they have just disappeared again while the application was open and running plus they have gone from the object list also. Not sure if it was a coincidence but on this occasion they seemed to disappear after a sort of screen refresh happened. Similar to when a new market just opens and you get the opening bell sound. That's when I noticed they had gone again but can't say for sure if it was at this exact moment or previously to the NY open?

All a bit vague and I understand the difficulty of trying to identify what's going on here but rest assured something is amiss.


20 Feb 2019, 11:59

I imagine they are also disappearing from the object list too as if they weren't there'd be many of the previous lines still showing there, and there isn't only the redrawn ones. I'll still get back to you and confirm once I notice they are missing again.


20 Feb 2019, 11:48

That's something I haven't monitored but will do going forward. I'll get back to you next time I notice they are gone from the chart.
