07 Oct 2017, 07:15

28 Oct 2017, 11:39

Spreads have nothing to do with Ctrader or Calgo mate .

They are defined by you broker .

I run three broker accounts with both Meta4 and Ctrader / Calgo.

Prices and spreads are the same on both platforms but differ from broker to the next (unless the broker states otherwise). Only commissions and margin requirements seam to vary.

Also, spreads always increase during high volatility ( news time) . 

The Ask price often lags behind the Bid price , fast movements draw the spread out .(Bit like a rubber band)

Ive seen XAUUSD go from minmum spread 6, average spread 15, then max spread 89, in a really fast movement.

Unless you have a broker willing to offer fixed spreads (which will be higher than average )  you are just going to have to 

figure out what code to write to take that into account.

(Dont forget .Higher volatility ,more orders being placed therefore slower latency  (order process time) )

May I suggest looking into stoplossess that are proportional to volume.

Anyway ,thats my good deed for the day . Good Luck !

static string name = " Paul";


17 Oct 2017, 00:18


​Thankyou Pan

​Its Appreciated !!!

​public static string name = "Paul";



07 Oct 2017, 07:35

RE: What do you mean by deviations +0.5/-0.5 ? ..

vladimir.rexpo said:

Hello All,

It's known that certain MT4/MT5 brokers apply plugins to prevent a great success during high-impact news trading. Which means they add lag / filling up the spikes so you may have a harder time to gain profits/pips during such events.

On the opposite side, cTrader guarantees true STP/ECN trading without any fake filling/plugins/lag/delays by the broker. No Dealing Desk at all.


Anyone tried to trade news releses with cTrader and compared it to MT4/MT5, if so, could you please share your experinece?


Secondly, did anyone create or know where to get a good news bot for cTrader? basically a bot where the user can put the deviations he want to trade, for example +0.5/-0.5 and if it match, it will be triggered.


Looking forward your thoughts,




07 Oct 2017, 07:32

RE: Reply To Vlad

vladimir.rexpo said:

Hello All,

It's known that certain MT4/MT5 brokers apply plugins to prevent a great success during high-impact news trading. Which means they add lag / filling up the spikes so you may have a harder time to gain profits/pips during such events.

On the opposite side, cTrader guarantees true STP/ECN trading without any fake filling/plugins/lag/delays by the broker. No Dealing Desk at all.


Anyone tried to trade news releses with cTrader and compared it to MT4/MT5, if so, could you please share your experinece?


Secondly, did anyone create or know where to get a good news bot for cTrader? basically a bot where the user can put the deviations he want to trade, for example +0.5/-0.5 and if it match, it will be triggered.


Looking forward your thoughts,


