
Username: swingfish
Member since: 25 Jun 2016
Last login: 19 Mar 2024
Status: Active


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Algorithms 3 8
Forum Topics 47 57
Jobs 7 2

Last Algorithm Comments

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 5 years ago

amazing stuff.. is there however a way to get the last 2 fractals from the same side in a programmable way (like as a vlaue (index number) ? 


swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

basically a "in-chart-DoM" .. very useful ! 

the % values are kind of anoying but it wan't hard to remove them ;) 

great job ! 

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

there is some extremely interesting stuff in your code .. which provides a ton of good examples.


swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

this is a nice piece of work .. i just noticed that there is also a very clear divergence relation between the indicator and the real price ... that could be a nice edge to develop on

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

vWap on a hourly chart ?? really ? 

could you pose a current screenshoot of a M5 chart (a recent one) without the other lines in it .. so its clear what is what 

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

... it doies however create a significant CPU Load once its loaded on serval charts 

but still offline analysis makes it alot more easy ! 

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 6 years ago

nice ! very handy for analysis 

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 7 years ago

its obsolete as cTrader has this now build-in 

Last Jobs Comments

swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 7 years ago

whats wrong with cMirror ? ;) 


swingfish's avatar
swingfish · 7 years ago

perfect !! 

thats all i need .. but not a screenshoot of the computer .. just the chart with the trade highlighted .. like ctrader does it if the screenshoot putton is pressed

just not open the folder and the browser window