13 Aug 2017, 07:43
06 Feb 2017, 21:08
02 Jan 2017, 03:07
08 Jun 2016, 08:09
01 Jun 2016, 14:17

22 Sep 2022, 10:51


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi Omega,

It means that there is one cBot running on this chart.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram and Facebook

Thank you for that, I've looked high and low for the answer, I'll be able to sleep now ;)




01 Sep 2022, 05:09

Thanks Firemyst,

firemyst said:

Omega said:

firemyst said:

Omega said:

Hi fellas'

I have two algo's I use to trade...

First is an algo that trades a basket of currencies the second will close all positions when the account reaches it's profit target.

The issue I have is that the first algo that trades doesn't stop once the positions have been closed by the second algo if I'm not there to manually stop ctrader.

Is there a way to stop the trading algo after it has reached my profit target without my being there to do it manually?


Look forward to your ideas...



ALl you have to do is put this line of code in your cBot when you want it to stop:


So when the position is closed, in the running bot instance check to make sure the current bot instance is the one that had its position closed. If it was, tell it to "Stop()".


Thanks for that...

I get the 'Stop(); line but I have an algo on each chart, it's the collective or basket of currencies that provide the profit overall so I'm thinking that it will need a separate algo for this?

Since you can't control one bot from another bot, there are at least 2 options I can think of off the top of my head that you can try:

1) (the easiest one) - create a public static variable in your bot code. That'll be visible across all bots. Call it something like:

public static bool StopAllBotInstances = false;

Make it a boolean. Have each bot check it during the onTick method. If it's ever set to true by one bot, call Stop(); Every bot should then stop with the next tick.


2) (not as easy) Create your own event handler called something like "OnProfitTargetReached" that does the same thing -- Stop() when the event is fired by any bot instance.

Thanks Firemyst,


I'll have a think about that logic and see where it takes me.

All the best to you...



01 Sep 2022, 00:03

Hi Firemyst,

firemyst said:

Omega said:

Hi fellas'

I have two algo's I use to trade...

First is an algo that trades a basket of currencies the second will close all positions when the account reaches it's profit target.

The issue I have is that the first algo that trades doesn't stop once the positions have been closed by the second algo if I'm not there to manually stop ctrader.

Is there a way to stop the trading algo after it has reached my profit target without my being there to do it manually?


Look forward to your ideas...



ALl you have to do is put this line of code in your cBot when you want it to stop:


So when the position is closed, in the running bot instance check to make sure the current bot instance is the one that had its position closed. If it was, tell it to "Stop()".


Thanks for that...

I get the 'Stop(); line but I have an algo on each chart, it's the collective or basket of currencies that provide the profit overall so I'm thinking that it will need a separate algo for this?


31 Aug 2022, 01:55

Close Cbot Algo when profit reached


Is there are an algo that will close the algo when it reaches profit?


03 Jan 2018, 00:51


Are you able to come back to us with an indication on when the Renko will be added as an alternative on Ctrader charts?

The reason I ask is that many of us will have to migrate back to either Ninjatrader or MT4 to trade and while doing so may have to change brokers.

I see that ymou have said that you don't update on this channel, but isn't that the whole point of this forum, to get updates and talk about Ctrader and improving upon what you have done already.

We would appreciate some comment from th ctrader team at te very least.

Thanks in advance



20 Aug 2017, 00:23


Spotware said:

Dear Omega,

Thanks for posting this suggestion. We will investigate with the product team the feasibility of adding advanced protection features in Create Order form. In the meanwhile, could you please let us know which trading platforms offer this as a standard feature?

Best Regards,

cTrader Team



With Most of the main players you either have this feature as standard or you can easily add it. The two most obvious are Ninja Trader and MT4 amongst others...


30 Jul 2017, 11:51

Break even

Is there a way to set my ctrader so that my trades go to break even after a set amount of points?


10 Feb 2017, 22:42


Spotware said:

galafrin said:

Spotware said:

Hi there,

Thanks for your post in our forum. I am sorry that you find this situation frustrating. 

Allow us to explain and perhaps you may understand and respect our position. We have a team dedicated to support brokers, because we are a B2B company and they are our clients. Our current team can handle up to 100 brokers (100 entities). Our team cannot handle 300,000 traders (300,000 entities). The fees we charge brokers reflect the requirement to support a single entity only, not their thousands upon thousands of clients. 

In a typical supply chain situation we would be considered a wholesaler or even manufacturer. Our fees to brokers are a fraction of what they are to end users, becuase they have large overheads - such as large support teams.

Brokers are responsible for supporting their clients (you) and Spotware (us) are responsible for supporting them. 

PS - we screen calls and have a white list of number who are our clients. 

I hope this explanation is well received. 


Spotware Team

Not very diplomatic for those who are at the start of your food chain , hey , some bugs have to be reported out there don't you think , that is if you intend to stick around the  next five years.!

The main point we were trying to express here is, if there is a bug then it should be reported to the broker, then they should collect all of the details and provide Spotware with the information they obtained, or already have on record due to the relationship they have with their client. Then Spotware will investigate. 

Furthermore, if there is a common complaint from several users, then they can all report it to their broker, each broker will make a single complaint to us by collecting the information from all of the users and we will investigate and advise the broker, who will advise the several clients. The broker has the support team to handle this and this one of the reasons why you pay a trading commission to them, for support if something goes wrong or you need some help. 

If Spotware actually tried to provide individual support to all cTrader users, we would not last 5 months, let alone 5 years.

Many thanks,

Spotware - I have made submission t my broer many times just to be told that the cmirror isn't supported by them, it is your thing to support!

That aside, you have provided a crappy forum where we as the "end user" are supposed to contact you to get "support" and "help" for the ongoing issues! Do you not see how ineffective you look to all and sundry when you finally materialize in the forums to basically defend yourselves! We are the end users, without us the brokers would not exist, it's reasonable to assume that if the brokers don't exist, then you're out of business!

Stop looking like a buch of amateurs, get your shit together and work the cmirror issues out otherwise traders will walk from both your platfoem and the brokers that use them!


07 Feb 2017, 10:09


Spotware said:

Hi there,

Thanks for your post in our forum. I am sorry that you find this situation frustrating. 

Allow us to explain and perhaps you may understand and respect our position. We have a team dedicated to support brokers, because we are a B2B company and they are our clients. Our current team can handle up to 100 brokers (100 entities). Our team cannot handle 300,000 traders (300,000 entities). The fees we charge brokers reflect the requirement to support a single entity only, not their thousands upon thousands of clients. 

In a typical supply chain situation we would be considered a wholesaler or even manufacturer. Our fees to brokers are a fraction of what they are to end users, becuase they have large overheads - such as large support teams.

Brokers are responsible for supporting their clients (you) and Spotware (us) are responsible for supporting them. 

PS - we screen calls and have a white list of number who are our clients. 

I hope this explanation is well received. 


Spotware Team



Thanks for turning up and taking about things that don't matter to the people who actually use your platforms!!


You still haven't answered my questions on ther threads about the constant failures of your cmirror platform???

Can you answer this now your here in the "help forums"?


07 Feb 2017, 08:19


tetra said:

There is no service here.

Try to call them :



I've emailed their company directly, I've tried calling their phone but jo answer and I've also complained through my broker who is one of the few that uses their platform. Even my broker hasn't had a response!!!!


So, where is the service???


06 Feb 2017, 21:04


GoldnOil750 said:


this is my second expereince within 1 month that cMIRROR has stop mirroring the TRADES.


can spotware fix it for good ????  Also, there should be some decency from SPOTWARE to notify the brokers or TRADERS on their email or have some live bullitein on your CTDN website where TRADERS can see if there is some technical mehcanical or mental issues with cMIRROR or cTRADER ID and so we traders can take care of the problem.


It is veyr dissappointing.  that after several years also and thousands of compalains from all Traders, SPOTWARE is unable to fix the hanging issue of cTRADER ID and its effects.  and shamelessly never inform the the BROKERS or TRADERS or post it on their LIVE Web RSS feed of the problem

hope SPOTWARE fix this once for all.  RIP for all trades done today !!!

from an annoyed Trader,





I am in the same boat, I placed a number of trsdes yesterday all should have been mirrored but none were! There was no notification from either Spotware or my broker.who I have advised that if the problems cant be fixed I'll migrate to another broker wth a different platform!!

Spotware, I know for a fact that there are many traders who love the ctrader platform but are ready to move to other platforms which are better serviced and mpre reliable. I get the feeling that this is the ;ast straw before we all leave Spotware for good!!

Please dp something about this urgently and advise your brokers and customers!!!!


01 Jun 2016, 14:45



Yes I've added all my accounts this way yet on the ctrader trading platform only two of the accounts show up as cloud based. The other eight are showing that they are not linked yet in cmirror they are all linked.


Any ideas?


