
Username: antiboozini
Member since: 01 May 2016
Last login: 01 May 2016
Status: Active


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Last Jobs Comments

antiboozini · 8 years ago

this was a week ago with me, too bad the others went bad too since then:(

antiboozini · 8 years ago

same here, payed upfront, then he dissappered.. at the beginning he is ok and calm, says no problem, etc, he has multiple clients, blablabla... then i payed him upfront (not as much as $655, it's less but very irritating he is taking my money without anything), and from that point zero comminucation with him, no chance to contact him via skype or email...

seriously, no forum moderators reading these? mods should look after those super suspicious registrations (ip addresses, mods will see it's coming from the same person from moldavia...) which are saying serghei is nice and blabla.. NOT !!! HE IS A THIEF !!!!! SCAM !! 

so yes, eware of Serghei Tolstoguzov !!!!