25 Jan 2024, 23:23

29 Jan 2024, 16:16 ( Updated at: 30 Jan 2024, 06:34 )

RE: What kind of text?

firemyst said: 

You don't say what kind of text you're wanting to align.

If you mean from the Chart.DrawText method, here's an example for you:

 ChartText ct = Chart.DrawText("position" + index, "hello world", entryPrice, textLocation, lineColor); ct.IsBold = true; ct.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ct.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; ct.ZIndex = 15; //So it's above other objects on the chart and we can see it.

Thank you for your quick response. This is exactly what i wanted to do with DrawText. 


29 Jan 2024, 16:16 ( Updated at: 30 Jan 2024, 06:34 )

RE: What kind of text?

firemyst said: 

You don't say what kind of text you're wanting to align.

If you mean from the Chart.DrawText method, here's an example for you:

 ChartText ct = Chart.DrawText("position" + index, "hello world", entryPrice, textLocation, lineColor); ct.IsBold = true; ct.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ct.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; ct.ZIndex = 15; //So it's above other objects on the chart and we can see it.

Thank you for your quick response. This is exactly what i wanted to do with DrawText. 


29 Jan 2024, 16:16 ( Updated at: 30 Jan 2024, 06:34 )

RE: What kind of text?

firemyst said: 

You don't say what kind of text you're wanting to align.

If you mean from the Chart.DrawText method, here's an example for you:

 ChartText ct = Chart.DrawText("position" + index, "hello world", entryPrice, textLocation, lineColor); ct.IsBold = true; ct.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ct.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; ct.ZIndex = 15; //So it's above other objects on the chart and we can see it.

Thank you for your quick response. This is exactly what i wanted to do with DrawText. 
