
09 Feb 2016, 13:18


BeardPower said:

Try do make a clean build and rebuild your code. 

Make sure you are generating debug information in the "Generate Debug Info" option.

Did you restart your program in cAlgo?

Did make a clean build, am generating debug info and I did restart program in cAlgo

One issue might be that I am using Visual Studio Community 2015 which I managed to connect to cAlgo by updating the vsix-file info. 

It starts from cAlgo OK. It compiles OK. Only the debugging is missing.




09 Feb 2016, 13:13

I can send you the journal but the log of the backtesting does not contain anything else than what I Print() there. Or is there a log located somewhere?

Problem is, I do an optimization with the Genetic Algoritm. It starts OK and timer(s) reads elapsed and remaining time and # of passes.

Sometime remaining time can read 1m 03 sec (example) and the next instance it is finished. I understand that the timer can not be 100% accurate but the bigger worry is that the # of passes varies. It can be 1860 one time and the next it stops after 760 passes. 

I will email you the journal


