Export Instrument Properties to CSV file

Created at 20 Aug 2021


Joined 29.07.2021




100.00 USD

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Job Description

Need a simple script/cBot that reads instruments properties for all instruments available on a given server and writes them to a CSV file, similarly to what is being done by these scripts on mt4/5: https://forexsb.com/forum/topic/5605/export-symbols-and-settings-from-metatrader/

Should include as many fields as possible as in the example below from the output of the above tool (at least the fields in bold), and also add the last Bid and Ask prices. 

Note: Desired output format is CSV, (not JSON). 

    "InstrumentProperties": {
        "EURUSD" : {
            "Symbol"          : "EURUSD",
            "InstrType"       : 0,
            "Comment"         : "Euro vs US Dollar",
            "PriceIn"         : "USD"
            "BaseFileName"    : "EURUSD",
            "LotSize"         : 100000,
            "Slippage"        : 0,
            "Spread"          : 0.00,
            "SwapLong"        : -5.45,
            "SwapShort"       : -0.12,
            "Commission"      : 0.00,
            "RateToUSD"       : 1.00000,
            "RateToEUR"       : 1.16769,
            "RateToGBP"       : 1.36451,
            "RateToJPY"       : 100.00000,
            "SwapType"        : 0,
            "CommissionType"  : 0,
            "CommissionScope" : 0,
            "CommissionTime"  : 1,
            "Digits"          : 5,
            "Point"           : 0.00001,
            "Pip"             : 0.00010,

            "IsFiveDigits"    : true,
            "StopLevel"       : 0.00,
            "TickValue"       : 1.00,
            "MinLot"          : 0.01,
            "MaxLot"          : 200.00,

            "LotStep"         : 0.01,
            "MarginRequired"  : 583.85
            "Bid":     1.20201   // add field with most recent quote
            "Ask":    1.20202   // add field with most recent quote


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JosephTradingbot's avatar
JosephTradingbot · 2 years ago

I can do it for you.
with several years of experience in programming and forex analysis and trading.

Telegram ID: t.me/iamjosepe

WhatsApp: (+98)930 462 2633

Email: joseph.tradingbot@gmail.com

bienve.pf's avatar
bienve.pf · 2 years ago

Hi. I can do that

Whatsapp: (+34)654 11 55 47

Telegram: @bienveP
