Take Profits If Then Else Statement

Created at 05 Mar 2021


Joined 04.03.2021




50.00 USD

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via  Freelancer

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My strategy depends on taking certain profit targets with no Stop Loss (maximum drawdown). So basically i want the following take profits:











If the Net Profit is =$2 then drops to ≤$1.99 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$2.00 and ≤ $4.99 but then drops to ≤$1.99 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$5.00 and ≤ $8.99 but then drops to ≤$2 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$9.00 and ≤ $13.99 but then drops to ≤$5 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$14.00 and ≤ $19.99 but then drops to ≤$9 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$20.00 and ≤ $26.99 but then drops to ≤$14 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$27.00 and ≤ $34.99 but then drops to ≤$20 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$35.00 and ≤ $43.99 but then drops to ≤$27 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$44.00 and ≤ $53.99 but then drops to ≤$35 take the profit immediately
if the Net Profit is ≥$54.00 and ≤ 64.99 but then drops to ≤$44 take the profit immediately

I need to hire someone to create this cBot. Does anyone know how to configure Ctrader to do this? The market prices moves too fast for me to make such split second decisions. Also, you can visit my Ctrader Copy page by searching "VTX Financial Insitution". My trading strategy has virtually a 100% win rate so far...

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vtx101 · 3 years ago

The free program recommended above now works great  ! Profits are flowing great now...

vtx101 · 3 years ago

The program recommneded above works sometimes. However, isuffered my first major loss today as the program did not close the position with error: "Failed to close position PID71524136 with error "POSITION_LOCKED"

The robot is designed to close the trade immediately. i suffered my first major loss on my copy trading account today of $2.13. i'm guessing the brokers want to keep trading difficult.



Mohsenshahnavaz22's avatar
Mohsenshahnavaz22 · 3 years ago

Hi there,

I can help you to develop your project in 3 days .
 You can contact me at mohsenshahnavaz22@gmail.com or 
Telegram ID : https://t.me/FxDevelop
for more information 



vtx101 · 3 years ago

thanx, i guess i can try this. any other similar programs i can test ?

ctrader.guru's avatar
ctrader.guru · 3 years ago

Why u want pay when it's free ? Download free and open-source Money Break Even | cTrader Guru 

vtx101 · 3 years ago

edited...it's supposed to be $64.99 thanx

otietegodspower · 3 years ago


I think I can do this, but I have one question, How do you calculate the net profit sequence e.g 'Net profit >= $54.00 and =< $63.99 the drops to <= $44 take profit' this is the last leveon the list before etc....., how do i calculate subsequent net profit levels??


bienve.pf's avatar
bienve.pf · 3 years ago

Hi. I can do that.

Whatsapp: +3465411554

Telegram: @bienveP


sascha.dawe · 3 years ago


I can help you with your equity control bot.

Please contact sascha.coding@gmail.com




DonaldD's avatar
DonaldD · 3 years ago

Hi there,

We can help you with your project. You can contact us at contact@clickalgo.com for more information.

Best Regards,
