need to convert MT4 indicator to cTrader indicator

Created at 13 Sep 2019


Joined 13.09.2019




45.00 USD

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Direct Payment

Job Description

//|                              Auto-Pivot Plotter Weekly V2-03.mq4 |
//|                                  Copyright © 2007, BundyRaider   |
//|                                                                  |
//|major update: voty 2016                                           |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, BundyRaider"
#property link      ""
#property description "Customized for Davit's thread Pivot Trading with TDI on ForexFactory"
#property description "Credit:"
#property description "BundyRaider for Auto-Pivot Plotter Weekly"
#property description "Griffinsoul for Davit's pivot look and feel"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 16
// 01-OCT-2016 voty - updated deinit (overriding line style during TF change ?!)
// 01-OCT-2016 voty - changed to Davit's colors + optional line style
// 01-OCT-2016 voty - added levels 78,131,168,200
// 24-OCT-2016 voty - e-mail/popup notification for specific pivot only (default:61,100)
// 26-OCT-2016 voty - hidden history mode added (killing eyes for D1,W1,MN1...), but not disabled - still sends e-mail/popup
// 27-OCT-2016 voty - added labels, prolonged pivot line = no more Davit's pivot dependency
// 28-OCT-2016 voty - custom colors, daily/weekly/monthly pivot TP customizable per Chart TF
// 28-OCT-2016 voty - issue with pivot price fixed: History enabled = label under pivot line, History disabled = label on right side
// 28-OCT-2016 voty - refresh issue fixed, TBD: optimization..
//initial = WP, 38,61,100
//added the rest + set Davit's colors + line style option
//SR38 - Magenta
//SR61 - Lime
//SR78 - Red
//SR100 - Aqua
//SR138 - Orange
//SR161 - Black
//SR200 - Brown
//---- input parameters
enum PivotTFChoice
   Default=0,// Default
   D1=1440, // Daily
   W1=10080, // Weekly
   MN=43200 // Monthly
extern PivotTFChoice DefaultPivotTF = 10080;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartM1PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartM5PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartM15PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartM30PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartH1PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartH4PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartD1PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartW1PivotTF = 0;
extern PivotTFChoice ChartMNPivotTF = 0;
extern bool ChartM1ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartM5ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartM15ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartM30ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartH1ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartH4ShowHistory = true;
extern bool ChartD1ShowHistory = true;
extern bool ChartW1ShowHistory = false;
extern bool ChartMN1ShowHistory = false;
extern string PivotPriceNotice  = "History=true, price under the pivot line";
extern string PivotPriceNotice2 = "History=false, price on the right side";
//extern bool ShowPivotLevelBelow = true; // Pivot level below the pivot line
//extern bool ShowPivotLevelRightAndLongLine = false; // Pivot level on the right side + long line!
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE LineStyle = 0;
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE LineStylePP = 4;
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE HistoryLineStyle = 0;
extern ENUM_LINE_STYLE HistoryLineStylePP = 4;
extern bool ShowLegendPivotTF = false;
extern color ColorLegendPivotTF = clrWhiteSmoke;
extern bool ShowLabelPivotTF = true;
extern bool ShowPopup = true;
extern bool SendEMail = true;
extern bool SendNotify = true;
extern bool AlertP   = false;
extern bool Alert38  = false;
extern bool Alert61  = true;
extern bool Alert78  = false;
extern bool Alert100  = true;
extern bool Alert138  = false;
extern bool Alert161  = false;
extern bool Alert200  = false;
extern color ColorP = clrYellow;
extern color ColorR38 = clrMagenta;
extern color ColorS38 = clrMagenta;
extern color ColorR61 = clrLimeGreen;
extern color ColorS61 = clrLimeGreen;
extern color ColorR78 = clrRed;
extern color ColorS78 = clrRed;
extern color ColorR100 = clrAqua;
extern color ColorS100 = clrAqua;
extern color ColorR138 = clrOrange;
extern color ColorS138 = clrOrange;
extern color ColorR161 = clrBlack;
extern color ColorS161 = clrBlack;
extern color ColorR200 = clrBrown;
extern color ColorS200 = clrBrown;

//---- buffers
double Res100[];
double Res61[];
double Res38[];
double Pivot[];
double Supp38[];
double Supp61[];
double Supp100[];
double Extra1[];
double Res78[];
double Supp78[];
double Res138[];
double Supp138[];
double Res161[];
double Supp161[];
double Res200[];
double Supp200[];

datetime lastAlertP, lastAlertR38, lastAlertR61, lastAlertR100, lastAlertS38, lastAlertS61, lastAlertS100;
datetime lastAlertR78, lastAlertS78, lastAlertR138, lastAlertS138, lastAlertR161, lastAlertS161, lastAlertR200, lastAlertS200;

string lbl = "WeeklyPivot.";
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   //---- indicators
   lbl = lbl + Symbol() + ".";
   lastAlertP = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"Pivot");
   lastAlertR38 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R38"); lastAlertR61 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R61"); lastAlertR100 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R100");
   lastAlertS38 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S38"); lastAlertS61 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S61"); lastAlertS100 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S100");
   lastAlertR78 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R78"); lastAlertS78 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S78");
   lastAlertR138 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R138"); lastAlertS138 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S138");
   lastAlertR161 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R161"); lastAlertS161 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S161");
   lastAlertR200 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"R200"); lastAlertS200 = GlobalVariableGet(lbl+"S200");
   DeletePivotEnd(); // delete needed for proper update !!!
   //if (!InvisibleIndicator()) {   
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   //---- last counted bar will be recounted
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;

   int limit=Bars-counted_bars;
   //declare variables   
   for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)

      // *****************************************************
      //    Find previous day's opening and closing bars.
      // *****************************************************
      //Find Our Week date.

      datetime WeekDate    =  Time[i];
      int CurrentPivotTF = getCurrentPivotTF();
      int    WeeklyBar     =  iBarShift(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeekDate, false)+1; 
      double PreviousHigh  =  iHigh(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);
      double PreviousLow   =  iLow(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);
      double PreviousClose =  iClose(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);

      // ************************************************************************
      //    Calculate Pivot lines and map into indicator buffers.
      // ************************************************************************
      double P  =  (PreviousHigh+PreviousLow+PreviousClose)/3;
      double R38 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.382);
      double S38 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.382);
      double R61 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.618);
      double S61 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.618);
      double R100 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.000);
      double S100 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.000);
      double R78 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.786);
      double S78 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.786);
      double R138 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.382);
      double S138 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.382);
      double R161 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.618);
      double S161 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.618);
      double R200 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 2.000);
      double S200 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 2.000);
      //Pivot[i] = NormalizeDouble(P, Digits); 
      Pivot[i] = P;
      Res38[i]  = R38;    
      Res61[i]  = R61;  
      Res100[i]  = R100;
      Supp38[i] = S38;   
      Supp61[i] = S61;  
      Supp100[i] = S100;
      Res78[i] = R78; Supp78[i] = S78;
      Res138[i] = R138; Supp138[i] = S138;
      Res161[i] = R161; Supp161[i] = S161;
      Res200[i] = R200; Supp200[i] = S200;
   // ***************************************************************************************
   //                            End of Main Loop
   // ***************************************************************************************
   static double LastBid = 0; string msg;
   if (LastBid == 0) LastBid = Bid;
     if (lastAlertP != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Pivot[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Pivot[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Pivot[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Pivot[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertP = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"Pivot", lastAlertP);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" weekly pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && AlertP) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && AlertP) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && AlertP) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR38 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res38[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res38[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res38[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res38[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR38 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R38", lastAlertR38);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R38 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert38) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert38) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert38) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR61 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res61[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res61[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res61[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res61[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR61 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R61", lastAlertR61);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R61 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert61) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert61) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert61) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR100 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res100[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res100[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res100[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res100[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR100 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R100", lastAlertR100);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R100 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert100) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert100) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert100) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS38 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp38[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp38[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp38[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp38[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS38 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S38", lastAlertS38);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S38 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert38) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert38) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert38) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS61 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp61[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp61[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp61[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp61[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS61 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S61", lastAlertS61);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S61 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert61) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert61) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert61) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS100 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp100[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp100[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp100[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp100[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS100 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S100", lastAlertS100);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S100 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert100) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert100) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert100) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS78 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp78[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp78[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp78[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp78[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS78 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S78", lastAlertS78);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S78 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert78) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert78) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert78) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS138 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp138[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp138[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp138[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp138[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS138 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S138", lastAlertS138);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S138 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert138) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert138) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert138) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS161 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp161[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp161[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp161[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp161[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS161 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S161", lastAlertS161);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S161 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert161) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert161) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert161) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertS200 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp200[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp200[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Supp200[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Supp200[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertS200 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"S200", lastAlertS200);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" S200 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert200) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert200) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert200) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR78 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res78[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res78[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res78[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res78[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR78 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R78", lastAlertR78);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R78 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert78) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert78) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert78) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR138 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res138[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res138[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res138[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res138[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR138 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R138", lastAlertR138);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R138 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert138) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert138) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert138) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR161 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res161[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res161[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res161[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res161[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR161 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R161", lastAlertR161);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R161 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert161) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert161) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert161) SendNotification(msg);
     if (lastAlertR200 != iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0))
       if ((NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res200[0],_Digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res200[0],_Digits)>=0)
         ||(NormalizeDouble(LastBid-Res200[0],_Digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(Bid-Res200[0],_Digits)<=0))
         lastAlertR200 = iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_W1, 0); GlobalVariableSet(lbl+"R200", lastAlertR200);
         msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS)+" R200 pivot line touched on "+Symbol();
         if (ShowPopup && Alert200) Alert(msg);
         if (SendEMail && Alert200) SendMail(msg, msg);
         if (SendNotify && Alert200) SendNotification(msg);

   // *****************************************
   //    Return from Start() (Main Routine)
   DeletePivotEnd(); ShowPivotEnd(); //TBD: some optimization !?
//  END Custom indicator iteration function

// Delete objects
// a) used during deinit()
// b) needed for proper update of existing objects!
void DeletePivotEnd() {

// Display static part:
// simple continuation of pivot lines after the calculated indicator's values
void ShowPivotEnd() {
      datetime WeekDate    =  Time[0];
      int CurrentPivotTF = getCurrentPivotTF();
      int    WeeklyBar     =  iBarShift(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeekDate, false)+1; 
      double PreviousHigh  =  iHigh(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);
      double PreviousLow   =  iLow(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);
      double PreviousClose =  iClose(NULL, CurrentPivotTF, WeeklyBar);
      double P  =  (PreviousHigh+PreviousLow+PreviousClose)/3;
      double R38 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.382);
      double S38 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.382);
      double R61 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.618);
      double S61 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.618);
      double R100 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.000);
      double S100 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.000);
      double R78 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.786);
      double S78 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 0.786);
      double R138 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.382);
      double S138 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.382);
      double R161 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.618);
      double S161 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 1.618);
      double R200 = P + ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 2.000);
      double S200 = P - ((PreviousHigh-PreviousLow) * 2.000);
      //PrintFormat("Showing pivot endlines, WP=%0.5f", P);
      //Set pivot lines labels
      string LabelTextP;
      string LabelTextR38;
      string LabelTextS38;
      string LabelTextR61;
      string LabelTextS61;
      string LabelTextR78;
      string LabelTextS78;     
      string LabelTextR100;
      string LabelTextS100;
      string LabelTextR138;
      string LabelTextS138;
      string LabelTextR161;
      string LabelTextS161;
      string LabelTextR200;
      string LabelTextS200;
      if (ShowLabelPivotTF) {
         string ShortPivotTF = StringSubstr(getPivotTextTF(), 0,1);
         LabelTextP += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR38 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS38 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR61 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS61 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR78 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS78 += ShortPivotTF;      
         LabelTextR100 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS100 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR138 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS138 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR161 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS161 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextR200 += ShortPivotTF;
         LabelTextS200 += ShortPivotTF;
      LabelTextP += "PP";
      LabelTextR38 += "R38";
      LabelTextS38 += "S38";
      LabelTextR61 += "R61";
      LabelTextS61 += "S61";
      LabelTextR78 += "R78";
      LabelTextS78 += "S78";      
      LabelTextR100 += "R100";
      LabelTextS100 += "S100";
      LabelTextR138 += "R138";
      LabelTextS138 += "S138";
      LabelTextR161 += "R161";
      LabelTextS161 += "S161";
      LabelTextR200 += "R200";
      LabelTextS200 += "S200";
      if (ShowLegendPivotTF) {
         ObjectSetText("PivotTF", "Pivot TF: " + getPivotTextTF() , 8, NULL, ColorLegendPivotTF);
      if (!HiddenHistory()) {
         LabelTextP += "  " + DoubleToStr(P,Digits);
         LabelTextR38 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R38,Digits);
         LabelTextS38 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S38,Digits);
         LabelTextR61 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R61,Digits);
         LabelTextS61 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S61,Digits);
         LabelTextR78 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R78,Digits);
         LabelTextS78 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S78,Digits);
         LabelTextR100 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R100,Digits);
         LabelTextS100 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S100,Digits);
         LabelTextR138 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R138,Digits);
         LabelTextS138 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S138,Digits);
         LabelTextR161 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R161,Digits);
         LabelTextS161 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S161,Digits);
         LabelTextR200 += "  " + DoubleToStr(R200,Digits);
         LabelTextS200 += "  " + DoubleToStr(S200,Digits);
      int StyleEndline;
      if ( HiddenHistory() )
         StyleEndline = OBJ_HLINE;
         StyleEndline = OBJ_TREND;
      int offsetHighTF = 0; 
      if (Period() < 1440) offsetHighTF =1 ; // =1 to fill tiny 1pixel hole on low TF
      ObjectCreate("P_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, P, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, P); //2200 - end of screen
      ObjectSet("P_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("P_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorP);
      ObjectSet("P_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStylePP);
      ObjectCreate("P_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, P);
      ObjectSetText("P_label", LabelTextP, 10, "Arial", ColorP);      
      ObjectCreate("R38_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R38, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R38); 
      ObjectSet("R38_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R38_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR38);
      ObjectSet("R38_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R38_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R38);
      ObjectSetText("R38_label", LabelTextR38, 10, "Arial", ColorR38);
      ObjectCreate("S38_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S38, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S38); 
      ObjectSet("S38_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S38_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS38);
      ObjectSet("S38_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S38_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S38);
      ObjectSetText("S38_label", LabelTextS38, 10, "Arial", ColorS38);

      ObjectCreate("R61_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R61, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R61); 
      ObjectSet("R61_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R61_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR61);
      ObjectSet("R61_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R61_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R61);
      ObjectSetText("R61_label", LabelTextR61, 10, "Arial", ColorR61);

      ObjectCreate("S61_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S61, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S61); 
      ObjectSet("S61_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S61_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS61);
      ObjectSet("S61_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S61_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S61);
      ObjectSetText("S61_label", LabelTextS61, 10, "Arial", ColorS61);

      ObjectCreate("R78_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R78, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R78); 
      ObjectSet("R78_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R78_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR78);
      ObjectSet("R78_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R78_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R78);
      ObjectSetText("R78_label", LabelTextR78, 10, "Arial", ColorR78);

      ObjectCreate("S78_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S78, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S78); 
      ObjectSet("S78_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S78_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS78);
      ObjectSet("S78_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S78_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S78);
      ObjectSetText("S78_label", LabelTextS78, 10, "Arial", ColorS78);

      ObjectCreate("R100_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R100, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R100); 
      ObjectSet("R100_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R100_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR100);
      ObjectSet("R100_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R100_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R100);
      ObjectSetText("R100_label", LabelTextR100, 10, "Arial", ColorR100);

      ObjectCreate("S100_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S100, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S100); 
      ObjectSet("S100_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S100_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS100);
      ObjectSet("S100_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S100_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S100);
      ObjectSetText("S100_label", LabelTextS100, 10, "Arial", ColorS100);

      ObjectCreate("R138_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R138, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R138); 
      ObjectSet("R138_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R138_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR138);
      ObjectSet("R138_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R138_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R138);
      ObjectSetText("R138_label", LabelTextR138, 10, "Arial", ColorR138);

      ObjectCreate("S138_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S138, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S138); 
      ObjectSet("S138_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S138_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS138);
      ObjectSet("S138_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S138_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S138);
      ObjectSetText("S138_label", LabelTextS138, 10, "Arial", ColorS138);

      ObjectCreate("R161_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R161, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R161); 
      ObjectSet("R161_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R161_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR161);
      ObjectSet("R161_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R161_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R161);
      ObjectSetText("R161_label", LabelTextR161, 10, "Arial", ColorR161);

      ObjectCreate("S161_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S161, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S161); 
      ObjectSet("S161_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S161_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS161);
      ObjectSet("S161_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S161_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S161);
      ObjectSetText("S161_label", LabelTextS161, 10, "Arial", ColorS161);

      ObjectCreate("R200_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, R200, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, R200); 
      ObjectSet("R200_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("R200_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorR200);
      ObjectSet("R200_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("R200_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, R200);
      ObjectSetText("R200_label", LabelTextR200, 10, "Arial", ColorR200);

      ObjectCreate("S200_endline", StyleEndline, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 2200, S200, Time[0] - offsetHighTF, S200); 
      ObjectSet("S200_endline", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet("S200_endline", OBJPROP_COLOR, ColorS200);
      ObjectSet("S200_endline", OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectCreate("S200_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0] + Period() * 700, S200);
      ObjectSetText("S200_label", LabelTextS200, 10, "Arial", ColorS200);

// do not show history - useful for high TF
// (but still does send popup/e-mails)
bool HiddenHistory() {
   //InvisibleIndicatorD1, InvisibleIndicatorW1, InvisibleIndicatorMN1;
   //1440, 10080, 43200
   //if (ShowHistory == false) return false;   
   if ( 
        (ChartM1ShowHistory && Period() == 1) ||
        (ChartM5ShowHistory && Period() == 5) ||
        (ChartM15ShowHistory && Period() == 15) ||
        (ChartM30ShowHistory && Period() == 30) ||
        (ChartH1ShowHistory && Period() == 60) ||
        (ChartH4ShowHistory && Period() == 240) ||
        (ChartD1ShowHistory && Period() == 1440) ||
        (ChartW1ShowHistory && Period() == 10080) ||
        (ChartMN1ShowHistory && Period() == 43200))
         return true;

// depends on combination of PivotTFChoice
int getCurrentPivotTF() {
   int PivotTF = DefaultPivotTF;
   //43200, 10080, 1440, 240, 60, 30, 15, 5, 1
   switch (Period()) {
      case 43200: if (ChartMNPivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartMNPivotTF; break;
      case 10080: if (ChartW1PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartW1PivotTF; break;
      case 1440: if (ChartD1PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartD1PivotTF; break;
      case 240: if (ChartH4PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartH4PivotTF; break;
      case 60: if (ChartH1PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartH1PivotTF; break;
      case 30: if (ChartM30PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartM30PivotTF; break;
      case 15: if (ChartM15PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartM15PivotTF; break;
      case 5: if (ChartM5PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartM5PivotTF; break;
      case 1: if (ChartM1PivotTF > 0) PivotTF = ChartM1PivotTF; break;
   if (PivotTF ==0) PivotTF=10080; // default
   return PivotTF;

// return currently used pivot TF - used only for label
string getPivotTextTF() {
   string PivottextTF;
   switch (getCurrentPivotTF()) {
      case 43200: PivottextTF = "Monthly"; break;
      case 10080: PivottextTF = "Weekly"; break;
      case 1440: PivottextTF = "Daily"; break;
   return PivottextTF;

void InitializeIndicators() {
   if (!HiddenHistory()) {
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR100);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR61);
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR38);
   SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStylePP, EMPTY, ColorP);
   SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS38);
   SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS61);
   SetIndexStyle(6, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS100);
   SetIndexStyle(7, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID); // voty - what is this line ??
   SetIndexStyle(8, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR78);
   SetIndexStyle(9, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS78);
   SetIndexStyle(10, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR138);
   SetIndexStyle(11, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS138);
   SetIndexStyle(12, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR161);
   SetIndexStyle(13, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS161);
   SetIndexStyle(14, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorR200);
   SetIndexStyle(15, DRAW_LINE, HistoryLineStyle, EMPTY, ColorS200);
   SetIndexBuffer(0,Res100); SetIndexLabel(0,"R100");
   SetIndexBuffer(1,Res61); SetIndexLabel(1,"R61");
   SetIndexBuffer(2,Res38); SetIndexLabel(2,"R38");
   SetIndexBuffer(3,Pivot); SetIndexLabel(3,"Pivot");
   SetIndexBuffer(4,Supp38); SetIndexLabel(4,"S38");
   SetIndexBuffer(5,Supp61); SetIndexLabel(5,"S61");
   SetIndexBuffer(6,Supp100); SetIndexLabel(6,"S100");
   SetIndexBuffer(8,Res78); SetIndexLabel(8,"R78");
   SetIndexBuffer(9,Supp78); SetIndexLabel(9,"S78");
   SetIndexBuffer(10,Res138); SetIndexLabel(10,"R138");
   SetIndexBuffer(11,Supp138); SetIndexLabel(11,"S138");
   SetIndexBuffer(12,Res161); SetIndexLabel(12,"R161");
   SetIndexBuffer(13,Supp161); SetIndexLabel(13,"S161");
   SetIndexBuffer(14,Res200); SetIndexLabel(14,"R200");
   SetIndexBuffer(15,Supp200); SetIndexLabel(15,"S200");      
// *****************************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    The following routine will use "StartingBar"'s time and use it to find the 
//    general area that SHOULD contain the bar that matches "TimeToLookFor"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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jani's avatar
jani · 4 years ago



I'm having a Pivot (daily, weekly monthly)  indicator programmed for cTrader. Problem with current free Pivots for ctrader is that they do not work on tick charts and some of them have bugs.

If you want to co-op in this project send me email at

Aicoms · 4 years ago

great, pls check email's avatar · 4 years ago

Hi, I can do it.