Job Description
3 simple moving average (20,60,100) cbot that places trades when the 20 crosses the 60 moving up for a buy
and 20 crosses the 60 moving down for a sell
Dear Sir
Thank you for posting your exciting requirement for automatizing your 3 Simple Moving Averages (SMAs - 20/60/100) based cBot!
I understand that the cBot must Buy, when the SMA20 crosses the SMA60, while moving up. And it must sell when the SMA20 crosses the SMA60, while moving down.
I will program the cBot as per this strategy, as I have coded various strategies in cTrader.
In order to get started on this project, I humbly request you to hire me for the job and we can take it forward from there.
I look forward to work with you on this awesome project, very much!
Thank You, Sir!
i would love to help you with the bot.
please kindly contact me through for further discussion :)
Best Regards
hi please contact me on thank you