Email Alert Bot

Created at 12 Mar 2016


Joined 11.03.2016




10.00 USD

Payment Method

Direct Payment

Job Description

Hi All,

I need a simple email alert bot to aid me for my manual trading.

Inputs will same as default sample Trend cBot plus an addition item "Pip Criteria"

There are 3 events that have to happen for the email to be sent out.

1. MA crossover takes place.

2. subsequently Price travels x pips (as set by Pip Criteria) in the direction of the crossing.

3. subsequently Price retraces back to the fast MA. 

4. Send email. 

The bot would alert me only on the first retrace, after that it would wait for event steps 1, 2, 3 to happen again to send me email.

Any takers ? i need the coding to be heavily annotated  as i am trying to learn as well. 











event's avatar
event · 8 years ago

I can help you with your problem, if you raise the price to 50 usd.
Send me an email