Alert on indicator

Created at 29 Feb 2016


Joined 25.03.2014




10.00 EUR

Payment Method

via  Freelancer

Job Description

Hi Coders,

I have an indicator and would like an alert on it when the main line of the indicator changes direction, and reach a certain level.

I'm a vb programmer, but i don't know how to code in C# with Ctrader, and i know this is an easy add to make, that's why the price is low.
If you think you can do it quickly, let me know.

Best regards

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cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago

Sorry , I don't have a Freelancer account 

Send me the indicator and don't worry about Payment .


joujou · 8 years ago

Yeah that's what i want.

Apply by following the freelancer link

cyfer's avatar
cyfer · 8 years ago


Sound & Email Alert & Visual Alert  should not be a problem .