Open order at the time I want , Who can write?

Created at 25 Sep 2015


Joined 22.09.2015




15.00 USD

Payment Method

via  Freelancer

Job Description

-Use 3 Hour Time Frame 

-Use utc+0 (server time)

-Can be used with every pairs of Forex

-Volume default = 1000 , min 1000, max 1000000


-Check the bar (from 21.00 - 23.59)

    if Open price < Close price (from 21.00 - 23.59)

          buy at the open price of the next 2 bar (03.00 - 05.59)

    if Open price > Close price (from 21.00 - 23.59)

          sell at the open price of the next 2 bar (03.00 - 05.59)

    if Open price = close price -> check the next bar 

          if the next bar Open price > Close price

                Buy at the next bar of this bar

          if the next bar Open price < Close price

                sell at the next bar of this bar

- To get profit , Calculate the profit from Net profit only.

    if the net profit = Volume/20 -> then start to trailing the net profit ( step up by volume/100)

        close all positions (include others pairs of Forex that were opened at that time) 

Contact me :  for skype  for mailing me

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